Eggs, good or bad for your health?

Eggs are often called superfood food. There is a wide array of nutrients in eggs counts ranging from protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and good fats. Grain of large egg contains only 70 to 80 calories, and insufficient 10 percent daily protein needs, as well as inside are iron, minerals and B vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12).

However, the eggs also often have a bad reputation as food berkolesterol high. Then, do we need to limit the consumption of eggs or altogether avoid them?

The truth is eating an egg is bad for health. The fact that eating eggs may trigger the risk of cardiovascular disease is a common mistake.

According to research published the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2000), where the research was conducted to estimate the level of the relationship between the consumption of eggs and egg cholesterol levels, contributing essential nutrients to the diet and not associated with high cholesterol.

This study shows, those who ate four or more eggs a week actually have lower cholesterol levels than those who do not eat at all or only eating one egg per week.

Some researchers also believe that a substance called ' kolin ', which is found mainly in the egg yolks, mamapu against the harmful effects of cholesterol in egg yolk. Choline can help lower cholesterol levels that are associated with cardiovascular disease. One egg provides 30 percent of the daily needs of everyone, which plays an important role in brain health and reduction of inflammation.

In 2010, a Harvard research involves more than 21,000 physicians are men over a period of 20 years, and which age they on average 54 years old. The study found that men who ate seven or more eggs per week, 11 percent more likely to die of any cause. However it is not related to consumption eggs with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, even among men who consumed more than seven eggs a week.

Proponents of the egg that said, the study does not provide enough evidence to blame the egg. According to them, the study didn't say about the cause of death and no information is pretty clear about what-anything they eat.

For a more secure, You should be careful to not eating too many fried eggs because you're also going to consume the fat from egg oil. The key here is, don't prepare eggs with include butter or oil too much.
If you are really worried about the content of cholesterol in egg, You can eat egg whites only. Egg white is the best option, especially if you're trying to cut back on calories. Egg white is a fantastic source of protein, but without the fat.

One more fear that might arise when we eat the egg is the presence of bacteria that contaminated the egg. As is known, in foreign countries like the United States, one of 20,000 eggs are at risk of contaminated with Salmonella, a bacterium that can cause intestinal misery is extreme.

However, this can easily be avoided if the egg is kept in the refrigerator, thoroughly cooked and eaten after cooked immediately. Salmonella bacteria to proliferate rapidly at room temperature. So, make sure You buy the eggs in the store's pendinginnya tool and place the eggs in the fridge (the coldest part of the refrigerator and not at the door) as soon as you get home.

How should consumption in a day?

Grain of large-sized egg could contain about 213 milligrams of cholesterol, which is contained in the egg yolk. If You want healthier, follow the recommendations suggested that the intake of dietary cholesterol should not exceed 300 mg per day.

American Heart Association stated, a grain of setelur a day still in reasonable limits for health. However, You should not consume more food high berkolesterol such as milk, meat and poultry. If You have a disease like diabetes, heart or recommended to consult a doctor or dietitian about the limitations of consumption