Diet: Better rice or Bread?

The function of carbohydrates in the body, i.e. as an energy source. To meet the balanced dietary patterns, within a day a person takes about 50-60 per cent of the total carbohydrate daily calorie.

When talking about weight loss program or diet, many people tend to steer clear of rice, bread or other carbohydrate menu. In fact, there is a kind of complex carbohydrates that have index glikemik (IG) which can be absorbed slowly. Thus carbs with low has a benefit IG gives a sense of fullness longer so help Your diet program.

To find out the advantages and disadvantages of bread and rice, the most popular types of carbohydrates, refer to the following description:

For diet program, select the bread from wheat flour which is not refined. This type of bread is more nutritious and healthy, makes your stomach longer full. This type of bread are foods that are low in fat and high in fiber if you don't make it with butter or oil.

There are two kinds of rice are quite familiar, i.e. white rice and red rice. Brown rice is produced when the outermost layer of skin is removed from the rice. This process eliminates the nutritional value of a little more rice.

Rice mill in full and turned the brown rice to white rice destroyed much of the vitamins (vitamin B, B3 B6 and folic acid), minerals, essential fatty acids and all dietary fiber contained in it.

White rice is not only high in carbohydrates and low in fiber, but also more digestible to glucose more rapidly than brown rice. This not only makes weight faster growing, but also quickly raise blood sugar. Red rice, by contrast, have a nutrient-rich and able to keep your blood sugar.

A recent theory of the resistant starch substances change the view of the dietitian about white rice. The theory was mentioned, by changing the method of cooking, the substance of starch in rice could be converted into a substance resistant starch which will be released in the gastrointestinal tract and it works like fiber. Interestingly, it helps to lose weight.

To get the resistant substance of starch during rice cooking white rice boiled rice, chill after. A number of times the process of heating the substance of starch and then cool it mentioned will increase substance patinya. Another way to improve the content of starch in the rice is cooking with microwaves.