Nutrients In Foods Of Various Colors

Fruit and vegetable peelings belong to the Group of the intake should be consumed on a daily basis. Nutrition experts recommend that we consume at least five food groups every day, which is colored red, white, blue/purple, yellow, and green.

The resulting color of plants shows the existence of certain phytochemicals to increase in certain diseases prevention. Therefore recognize the benefits behind the different vegetables and fruit as color difference (good).

The Color Red
The red-colored fruits and vegetables rich in phytonutrients lycopene and antosianin, a natural color pigment that gives color to these foodstuffs. Lycopene, as found in tomatoes, guava or melon has the benefits of anti aging and protects cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Antosianin, found in strawberries, red wine, red apples or cheri, full of antioxidants that protect the body from the effects of free radicals. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease and keep your blood pressure remains controlled. Recent studies show antosianin in fruit cheri containing bitter taste that is useful to sufferers of gout or rheumatic inflammation.

Blue or Purple
Fruit and vegetables which are blue or purple has fitokemikal such as antosianin which is found in blueberries, purple black wine and raisins, as well as phenolik are found in eggplant, prunes or raisins, contain powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants in dark-colored fruits and vegetables has been shown to slow the aging process, especially the risk of memory loss.

Green color
Green color in vegetables and fruits caused due to the pigment chlorophyll. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids found in yellow peas, spinach and other dark green vegetables. Both of these compounds is required to maintain health and reduce risk of eye cataracts.

Besides the Green is also high in fiber and a source of potassium, magnesium and folate are highly recommended for those who are planning a pregnancy.

Yellow or orange
Protect the health of the eye and the power function with the ingaat routine of eating fruit and vegetables are yellow or orange. Get other benefits as well as the protection of the skin from the Sun.

Citrus family are a source of vitamin C, antioxidant that increases the immune system, protect from cardiovascular disease and rebuild collagen in the skin. Vitamin C also helps the absorption of iron. Yellow fruit is also rich in potassium that is useful to prevent stroke and coronary heart disease.

White color
Garlic, bananas, mushrooms, potatoes and cauliflower, are included in the Group vegetables and fruit are white we already know. White colour in foodstuffs is derived from antozantin, a type of flavonoid that has antioxidant properties.

The main advantage of this is the Group of the white lower prostate cancer risk, enhance immune activity and also rich in potassium.