Myths and facts of coconut water

Coconut water, let alone young, often made into drinks releases the thirst. It was very refreshing, especially when drunk when breaking the fast. It's just that, not a few lay people that drinking coconut water with other purposes.

There is a mention about coconut water can lose weight, improve the functioning of the kidneys, to treat allergies. Is This True?

Coconut milk, coconut water, in particular young already has long been known as a healthy drink. Its sheltered by hard shell and a thick sabut coconut, the coconut milk to make the drink sterile. Free from contamination.

According to Prof. Dr. Made Astawan, MS, in General, coconut water containing 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, 0.74 percent fat, as well as 0.46 percent minerals. Types of sugar contained are glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

Some types of coconuts there that has sugar levels of 3 per cent on coconut water, and 5.1 per cent in young coconut water. "That's what led the young coconut water feels more sweet coconut water compared to the old," said Made.

High Potassium
In coconut milk also contains amino acids and vitamins. Young coconut water also contain phytochemicals consist of tanin components. Tanin is antibacterial that will inhibit bacterial growth.

The minerals were potassium contains 730 mg per 100 grams of young coconut water, which is quite a lot of magnesium, sodium and chloride, versus the number very few. The composition of the drink with potassium (potassium) ratio of a high sodium and very profitable for health.

Gizinya liquid substance composition approaching, in accordance with isotonic sculpting liquid body. Beverage can replace mineral isotonic sculpting expected body of missing through sweat during sporting activities or other activities.

"It's just that, a person who actively exercising need to be careful about the use of coconut water as electrolyte drinks," imbuh Emilia Achmadi, MSc, health coach of one accord.

They need to know what kind of sport is done and the length. When sports are aerobics, say for 3 hours non-stop, the body will lose a lot of sodium. The consumption of coconut water could not offset the need for the body of sodium. None other because sodium in coconut water just slightly. If this happens, the body could be short of sodium. As a result, the muscle cannot be contacted. Heart rate and organ functions will be uninterrupted. The risk of their worst? You can swoon.

However, if the sports that do not belong to a weight, such as brisk walking for 1 hour or beryoga for example, drink coconut water is not a problem. The deal, keep water consumption-minerals you normally would.

Things like this should be straightened out and be noticed by a layman in order to make an erroneous figure it out. Like a number of other things wrong about coconut water which was straightened out by Emilia.

1. Help lose weight
This is according to Emilia is often disalahmengertikan by most people. Drinking coconut water in excess can actually cause diarrhea. Indeed it looks-after which weight is reduced. However, this is not a proper and healthy way to get an ideal body weight. In contrast, the coconut water can be a stimulant for those who are difficult to defecate can help launch a channel indigestion.

2. More bernutrisi rather than full cream milk
This assumption is not true. Compared with coconut milk, milk (both the full cream or not) are rich in protein, fats, carbohydrates and sugar. In addition, milk also contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. While coconut milk only contains some minerals only.

3 Helping the immune system
There is no scientific literature that proves that coconut water make the immune system becomes better and also helps the body fight some viruses cause disease. In the body's immune system, described by Emilia, is a sister who is very complex.

The only way to boost the immune system are the nutrients obtained from a variety of food. "And coconut water does not provide it," added Emilia. That could give the complete nutritional support is through food intake with balanced nutrition.

4. Help prevent the occurrence of kidney stones
The first thing that can be done to prevent the formation of kidney stones is enough water or liquid consumption. The liquid can be obtained from coconut milk, mineral water, and more. There is a point that water, either. coconut water or mineral water, can prevent the occurrence of the formation of kidney stones. It's just that, coconut water cannot cure a kidney stone.

5 Restore a sense of giddy due to drunk
Consume alcoholic beverages drunk in excess must be immediately neutralized. How to drink water, mineral water and coconut milk. In fact, to relieve the dizziness of inebriation, we recommend that you drink water containing sugar. Purpose is to make sugar could quickly get into the Centre of stacking