6 foods to Build Muscle

Every man must have a perfect body crave a solid muscular stomach, with six berbuku (six pack). To get it, is certainly an exercise that focuses on strengthening muscles became the primary key. Don't forget to menunjangnya with the selection of appropriate food.

A number of food is believed to be able to help the formation of muscles. Here is an excellent food to build muscle, fat, body control and keep the body in a healthy condition.

1. Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are the foundation of all a healthy diet because it provides a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and liquids. Vegetables contain a small amount of protein.

2. low fat milk
Low-fat milk provides high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, and important vitamins such as vitamin D, potassium, and calcium. "Consume the protein drinks such as chocolate milk after an hour of exercise will help build muscles and post exercise recovery," said the researcher.

3. Meat
Meat is a source of protein and iron carries oxygen to the muscles throughout the body, as well as amino acids, including leusin, which plays an important role in triggering muscle growth.

4. Egg
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines say consumption of eggs every day including egg yolks. "The egg containing all essential amino acids and protein content in half the egg yolk with other nutrients such as lutein for healthy eyes," said the researcher.

5. nuts
Fresh beans or stew is a good source of protein that also contain vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats.

6. Wheat
Wheat is the carbohydrate quality containing a small amount of good energy and protein to improve muscle tone, along with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.