Eating Fish Regularly Can Prevent Stroke

Recent studies find, people who eat fish several times a week have decreased risk of stroke attack.

This conclusion on the basis of fifteen studies have been conducted in several countries; United States, Europe, Japan, and China. The research of measuring the frequency of the population in those countries in terms of consumption of fish as food is listed as the result of daily data from approximately 400,000 people in the age range 30 up to 103 years.

On the basis of each study was unclear that the content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish will most likely be able to reduce the risk of stroke, because of the impact of positive blood pressure and cholesterol.
Susanna Larsson and Nicola Orsini Karolinska Institute of Sweden, two among researchers in the study, stating that the person who was fond of eating fish has a rate of 12 per cent lower risk than those who consume little fish.

Salmon and herring are examples of fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. "There is evidence that serving or consumption of fish 2-3 times a week is enough to get the nutritional benefits of it," said another researcher, Dariush Mozaffarian of Harvard School of Public Health.

In addition to omega-3, a number of other nutrients such as vitamin D, the element selenium (Se), as well as a certain protein in the fish also have a positive impact for giving stroke prevention. Although according to the, as yet no guarantee Mozaffarian if someone would have been spared from the attack of stroke by eating fish.