Tempe Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease: Menopause is a natural process in females characterized by decreased ovarian function which resulted in a decrease in the production of estrogen. Exposure to estrogen it brings a wide range of issues, one being the increased risk of heart disease.
A decrease in estrogen production causes blood fat metabolism disorder so that it will worsen blood lipids profile and oxidation in the body so that vulnerable women suffering from coronary heart disease.
Description of how this is what encourages Diah Mulyawati Utari doing research studies Ph.d in Human Nutrition Courses, graduate school (SPs) Bogor agricultural University (IPB) and brings the benefits of tempe to women menopause.
The title of the dissertation which he arranges, i.e. "the effect of Intervention on Lipid Profile, Tempe Superoxide Dismutase, Malondialdehyde and Oxidized LDL on Women Menopause", was released the IPB Community Relationships through electronic mail to the Compass, Thursday (7/7/2011).
Following his speech he. Easily oxidized lipids in the body resulting in the formation of peroksidasi lipid characterized by increased malondialdehyde (MDA). The high levels of MDA can be used as an indicator of radicals in the body. Excess free radicals is a risk factor degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Lipids in cholesterol-LDL in particular (K-LDL) are known as bad cholesterol is the main target of oxidation.
The oxidation of LDL in the K-factor is one of the main blockage of blood vessels. To prevent the occurrence of the required presence of antioxidants, one of them is an endogenous antioxidant namely superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is the first defense against the process of oxidation in the body.
Does it say, in 10-12 years, research on the benefits of soy protein and isoflavones-increasing and deep, and prove that the consumption of soy is not just improved some aspects of health in menopausal women, but also improve heart health.
We know, tempe is a traditional food is very popular in Indonesia. The fermentation process to make the levels of amino acids, fatty acids, and isoflavones in tempeh is much higher than soy.
He says, some research on the intervention of the tempe has been done in Indonesia, but so far not yet known comprehensively to influence tempe lipid profile, SOD, MDA, and oxidized LDL on women menopause as a group at risk of having coronary heart disease. "I am interested in researching this," he said.
His research was carried out in the city of Bogor with a total sample of 53 female menopause. The ladies of menopause are given 160 grams tempe daily for four weeks.
The amount equivalent to four pieces of tempe size medium. Tempe is steamed for 10 minutes and then mixed with certain herbs so that it becomes ready for food.
As for the criteria of the samples in this study were women's natural menopause, menopausal ranges from 1 to 5 years, one of abnormal lipid profile, there are sick or have a history of degenerative disease, not taking any medications and supplements, do not use estrogen therapy, not a vegetarian, and willing to comply with regulations during research. Sample dijaring by mail integrated active coaching that is in the city of Bogor.
Food analysis suggests that the tempe amino acids are arginine tallest in tempe and the highest is the fatty acids linoleic acid. Tempe is also rich in isoflavones and was relatively tenable if tempe processed by steaming (not Skillets).
Results of statistical tests show that as many as 160 grams of tempe daily for four weeks can improve the lipid profile i.e. lower total cholesterol levels, K-LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. tempe also can increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes and MDA and SOD decreases in LDL oxidation. The results of this research as a means to show that tempe has the ability to lower the risk factor of coronary heart disease.
From this research, Diah suggested that the Government improve the socialization of tempe as a food that has benefits for health. The public are advised to increase the consumption of tempe on a daily basis on an ongoing basis, especially on women menopause as well as other groups which have a high risk of coronary heart disease.
Diah also sent a message, to get the maximum effect to health, should be processed by means of tempe steamed and avoid processing by FRY. Regarding the amount of the consumption, Diah tempe recommend around 150-160 grams per day or the equivalent of 3-4 pieces tempeh size medium. Tempe Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease