There comes a time we shop for fruit and vegetables in the market or the supermarket is redundant because just love to see it or its price is relatively cheap medium. In fact, some types of fruit and vegetables have the characteristics of fragile and quick spoilage.
If you do not love to waste food, of course it will attempt to keep the fruit and vegetables in order to stay in fresh condition. Not all the fruit or vegetable was found to have the same storage method. They require different storage techniques to be fresh and lasting longer. If You know the tips to keep your food, would You be able to present the best food every day.
This type of unnecessary cooling
There are several types of fruit and vegetables which do not have to be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. These fruits and vegetables should be kept in a dark place at room temperature, stay away from direct sunlight and blistering heat.
* Banana: banana fruit Stored in bowl for about the first three days, then put in the fridge.
* Apple: Taruhlah in a bowl of fruit for the first five days and then just put in the fridge.
* Pomelo (Chakotra): this fruit stand placed out for seven days.
* Plums, berries black, and other types of hard seed-bearing fruit: When still raw, fruits do not have to be placed in the refrigerator, quite put it in a brown paper bag. But, as soon as they mature, the fruits must be refrigerated.
* Onions and potatoes: They do not require cooling, keep in a dark and dry place.
Requiring cooling:
* Sweet beets, carrots, and turnips: Cut the Green top and store in a dry bag.
* Cucumber, cucumber, bell pepper (capsicum) squash: place in a plastic bag or a bag in the refrigerator, they should also always in the dry state.
* This type of leafy vegetables: need special attention. Besihkan leaves and let it dry out. When visible is dry, save it in the plastic bag or a bag in the refrigerator.
* Corn: corn with sabutnya Save to prevent seed corn being dried.
* Mushrooms: save the mushroom haven't washed it in paper bags of plastic.
* Pea: If you don't want to be used immediately, store the peas inside kontong plastic.
It is important to keep all the fruits and vegetables in a separate bag in order to increase their level of freshness. Fruits and vegetables gas ethylene, gas is odorless, that accelerates the ripening of fruit and vegetables more around them and can cause premature failure.
Some of the vegetables categorised ' heavy breathers ', such as spinach. This can damage the vegetables veggies around it if it is kept at the same time.
Other Food Storage Tips
* Meat and poultry: foodstuffs are to be stored in a special place of meat, and must be used within two days. If you need long term storage, bungkuslah meat with aluminum foil and freeze. Bacon and ham should be covered with a cloth dipped in vinegar water.
* Fish: the fish have a scent because of strong, don't save fish with other food, in order to prevent the smells of fish food is exposed to. Fish should be put in the freezer.
* Egg: the fish can be stored in a cardboard egg storage place or put the egg shelf in refrigerator terdat.
* Milk: Milk has a tendency to absorb any taste with ease. Therefore keep the milk from foodstuffs that have a strong scent.
* Cheese: cheese easy due to the dry fast, bungkuslah cheese with wax paper or plastic coverings before saving.
* Spices: to keep the aromas of the herbs in a long time, keep always spices in glass bottles.
* Grain: in order for fresh grain in longer, keep the grain with a few strands of leaves in an airtight container.