8 foods to reduce the bad fats

The synergy between balanced diet and exercise routine proved effective help to lose weight. To menjalan a balanced diet, it is important that is to choose a healthy diet, to keep the weight remains the ideal.

For slim, You actually do not have to force myself furiously Dieter tight or not eating. Passing certain food consumption, You can instead be fighting fat levels in the body. The following are foods that may never realize You have the ability to wage war against FAT:

1. Almond Nut
According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, people who consume 85 grams (about 3 ounces) almonds daily can reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) equal to 6 per cent as compared with those without consumption of almonds.

Almonds contain acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is high and can accelerate the fat metabolism. In addition, the almonds are also rich in protein and fiber, good fat, which have an impact on the fulfilment of taste, so you tend to have no desire to overeat.

2. Orange
According to a study carried out Arizona State University, the number of their vitamin C intake enough with his eating fresh fruits such as oranges and strawberries, can oxidize fat more than 30 percent. The researchers found, vitamin C in the bloodstream serve to form the carnitine (substances that help our cells to burn fat).

3. Eggs at breakfast
Egg Pack the various nutrients a grain is good for health including protein, iron, zinc, vitamin A, D, E, a and B12. Eat eggs at breakfast will make You feel full longer, so it can reduce Your appetite during the next hour.

4. Fish
Fish not only makes your heart is healthy, but can also shrink waistlines. Omega-3 fatty acids improve insulin sensitivity which help build muscle and lose fat belly.

5. Soybeans
Soy contains lecithin, which helps your cells do not accumulate in fat. Soybeans also serves to break down stored fat in the body, lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, and increases HDL (good cholesterol).

6. Tomato
Tomatoes contain oligofructose, fiber that helps maintain the effect of cholecystokinin (CCK) in your stomach. CCK is a hormone that is secreted in the small intestine of fat and increase to respond to the feeling of fullness with tightening a valve between the stomach and intestines.

This can prevent You to not overeat. Tomatoes also contain vitamin C which helped in the production of carnitine. Studies have shown that carnitine can help speed up the fat burning capacity up to one-third of his body.

7. cinnamon
According to researchers in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), consumes a quarter up to a teaspoon of cinnamon a day with food can help metabolize sugar up to twenty times as well. This causes the sugar levels in the blood flow is reduced, which means less stored fat.

8. Yogurt
Yogurt as foods rich in calcium and fat-free can increase fat burning mechanisms in the body, so as to speed up weight loss. Research experts at the University of Tennessee found that obese adults who ate three servings a day fat-free yogurt (as part of a low calorie diet), managed to lose weight more than 10 per cent, 61 per cent, and fat reduction in belly fat 81 percent more than those following a low calorie diet with yoghurt.
According to the researchers, meet daily calcium needs can also help the body burn fat more efficiently. On the contrary, if it is not getting enough calcium intake will trigger the release of the hormone calcitriol or trigger hoarding fat.