- try a little bit. To start, buy organic pengan little. If you prefer, you can buy it in the portion of a lot more time shopping again.
- Select a locale. Usually organic food cost more expensive imports. There have been many farms in some areas, such as the Summit, which supplies vegetable and organic fruit.
- Buy depending on the season. Although there continues to supply all year round, as was the price of certain fruit, usually cheaper. You can profit more from here.
- consider the value of nutrition. Select a food contains high nutritional value. For example, select meats than lentils or beans organic can also be a source of protein, in addition to the more economical.
- don't forget to take notes. Create a list needs to be bought, so you won't be tempted to buy the kind that you don't need.
Smart Tips In Buying Organic Food
Fruit, vegetable, chicken meat and eggs also organic, healthier because the entire process without chemicals, especially pesticides. The problem is, the price of vegetables, fruit, and meat and organic eggs cost more compared to the usual type. Nici Andronicus, owner of the Kitchen & Pantry Organicus in Australia, gives the following tips: