Milk Can Prevent type 2 Diabetes

Benefits of drinking milk already long ago known good for health. But alas, the level of consumption of milk in some countries is still low, including in Indonesia.

A recent research shows, drinking a glass of milk every day can protect You from type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Harvard University claimed, drinking milk during adolescence potentially lowering the risk of a woman affected by type 2 diabetes.

According to the researchers, they were when his teenage years have become accustomed to drinking the milk generally will continue to bring these habits when they mature. In the end it will extend the age of a person's life and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by 43 percent.

These findings are based on the observation of a number of teenagers and adults associated with patterns of consumption and the risk of the health of more than 37,000 women. The results show, women who consume milk and dairy products as teenagers and adults were found to be in a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
In addition, teens who drink milk and dairy products are about four servings a day tend to have an ideal weight.

In another study, researchers from Harvard University, where he also studied the lifelong benefits of milk consumption as a protein source. The research involves more than 440,000 adults and found that the risk of suffering from diabetes only 17 percent when someone consume dairy. These findings reinforce the more reason why we have to get a glass of milk every day.