In Javanese culture including fruit pomegranate dipaling sought in the tradition of seven monthly pregnant women. Whereas, if pomegranate consumed each day we'll get a myriad of health benefits. Numerous scientific studies have proved it.
One of the benefits of the most famous is the pomegranate protects the heart. A research shows Pomegranate juice consumption about 8 ounces per day for 3 months will be formed to reduce bad cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation to the heart in patients with coronary heart disease, reducing the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the brain, as well as lower blood pressure.
Pomegranate turns to have anticancer content. The fruit is red and sweet this will make the cancer cells destroys himself or collectively, the process of apoptosis.
Research in the lab show that Pomegranate juice is not given the sweetener will trigger apoptosis in breast cancer cells, prostate and colon by way of activating genes and enzymes that regulate apoptosis.
Benefits of pomegranates is caused because of Pomegranate juice has a three times higher in antioxidants than green tea or red wine. As known antioxidants will fight the free radicals that damage the DNA which can trigger the onset of cancer.