Green Tea Can Lower Cholesterol

Green Tea Can Lower Cholesterol: Health benefits of green tea to keep excavated experts. The latest findings reveal this drink can help reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), although only slightly. This could explain why drinking green tea is associated with decreased risk of heart disease.

Researchers from China, Xin-Xin Zheng and his team of Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China did a study and report on the results of the study of 14 green tea.

In each study the researchers randomly divided participants into two groups, i.e. groups that drinking green tea or extract passwords for 3 weeks to 3 months, as well as the group got none preparat.

In General, those from the Group of green tea have total cholesterol 7.2 mg/dL lower than the comparison group. In addition the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol 2.2 mg/dL lower or have decreased more than two percent. In the meantime there is no difference between good cholesterol (HDL) in two of these groups.
The active ingredient which plays a role in lowering cholesterol is katekin which will allegedly reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the gut.

Despite the benefits of a decrease in cholesterol but experts cautioned that the effect of penurunannya is very small. "Drink green tea could not be recommended for patients who already have a cholesterol," says Nathan Wong, a researcher.

Experts are also concerned about the side effects of green tea consumption is too high. Some studies have connected the danger of damage to the liver. Green tea can also interact with drugs so as to reduce the efektivtiasnya.

A decrease in cholesterol remains to be done with lifestyle modifications and includes a variety of sides, such as diet, exercise, and medication if necessary. However green tea could be included in the diet is good for the heart. Green Tea Can Lower Cholesterol

Tempe Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Tempe Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease: Menopause is a natural process in females characterized by decreased ovarian function which resulted in a decrease in the production of estrogen. Exposure to estrogen it brings a wide range of issues, one being the increased risk of heart disease.

A decrease in estrogen production causes blood fat metabolism disorder so that it will worsen blood lipids profile and oxidation in the body so that vulnerable women suffering from coronary heart disease.
Description of how this is what encourages Diah Mulyawati Utari doing research studies Ph.d in Human Nutrition Courses, graduate school (SPs) Bogor agricultural University (IPB) and brings the benefits of tempe to women menopause.

The title of the dissertation which he arranges, i.e. "the effect of Intervention on Lipid Profile, Tempe Superoxide Dismutase, Malondialdehyde and Oxidized LDL on Women Menopause", was released the IPB Community Relationships through electronic mail to the Compass, Thursday (7/7/2011).

Following his speech he. Easily oxidized lipids in the body resulting in the formation of peroksidasi lipid characterized by increased malondialdehyde (MDA). The high levels of MDA can be used as an indicator of radicals in the body. Excess free radicals is a risk factor degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Lipids in cholesterol-LDL in particular (K-LDL) are known as bad cholesterol is the main target of oxidation.

The oxidation of LDL in the K-factor is one of the main blockage of blood vessels. To prevent the occurrence of the required presence of antioxidants, one of them is an endogenous antioxidant namely superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is the first defense against the process of oxidation in the body.

Does it say, in 10-12 years, research on the benefits of soy protein and isoflavones-increasing and deep, and prove that the consumption of soy is not just improved some aspects of health in menopausal women, but also improve heart health.

We know, tempe is a traditional food is very popular in Indonesia. The fermentation process to make the levels of amino acids, fatty acids, and isoflavones in tempeh is much higher than soy.

He says, some research on the intervention of the tempe has been done in Indonesia, but so far not yet known comprehensively to influence tempe lipid profile, SOD, MDA, and oxidized LDL on women menopause as a group at risk of having coronary heart disease. "I am interested in researching this," he said.

His research was carried out in the city of Bogor with a total sample of 53 female menopause. The ladies of menopause are given 160 grams tempe daily for four weeks.

The amount equivalent to four pieces of tempe size medium. Tempe is steamed for 10 minutes and then mixed with certain herbs so that it becomes ready for food.

As for the criteria of the samples in this study were women's natural menopause, menopausal ranges from 1 to 5 years, one of abnormal lipid profile, there are sick or have a history of degenerative disease, not taking any medications and supplements, do not use estrogen therapy, not a vegetarian, and willing to comply with regulations during research. Sample dijaring by mail integrated active coaching that is in the city of Bogor.

Food analysis suggests that the tempe amino acids are arginine tallest in tempe and the highest is the fatty acids linoleic acid. Tempe is also rich in isoflavones and was relatively tenable if tempe processed by steaming (not Skillets).

Results of statistical tests show that as many as 160 grams of tempe daily for four weeks can improve the lipid profile i.e. lower total cholesterol levels, K-LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. tempe also can increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes and MDA and SOD decreases in LDL oxidation. The results of this research as a means to show that tempe has the ability to lower the risk factor of coronary heart disease.

From this research, Diah suggested that the Government improve the socialization of tempe as a food that has benefits for health. The public are advised to increase the consumption of tempe on a daily basis on an ongoing basis, especially on women menopause as well as other groups which have a high risk of coronary heart disease.

Diah also sent a message, to get the maximum effect to health, should be processed by means of tempe steamed and avoid processing by FRY. Regarding the amount of the consumption, Diah tempe recommend around 150-160 grams per day or the equivalent of 3-4 pieces tempeh size medium. Tempe Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Raw Eggs Are Rich In Antioxidants

Raw Eggs Are Rich In Antioxidants: The reputation of the eggs had identical with foods that cause a rise in cholesterol levels. Whereas, according to the latest research, protein-rich food material turned out to contain high antioxidant.

Antioxidant content in eggs from chickens fed on feed wheat and corn is twice bigger than antiokisdan in apples. In fact, two raw eggs antioksidannya is equivalent to the levels of 25 grams of cranberries. Powerful antioxidants in the egg among others tryptophan, amino acids, and tyrosine.

So far the antioxidants in eggs that are already known are carotenoids which give pigment yellow in egg. However, scientists are now continuing to dig another antioxidant in eggs.

In previous research, the scientists found that the egg proteins modified by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine peptide that functions like the ACE inhibitor, a drug that doctors prescribed for lowering blood pressure.

Research results were considered controversial because as long as it is known to the community, the consumption of eggs will increase blood pressure due to the high kolesterolnya.

Not only that, the research also mentions a boiled or fried egg will lose the antioksidannya up to 50 percent, even more so if dimatangkan in the microwave.

Eggs are a source of nutritious food and cheap. The egg contained proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals.

4 Foods To Prevent Arthritis

4 Foods To Prevent Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or better known by the term arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that attacks the joints and surrounding structures. This disease attacks generally cause chronic inflammation, stiffness and soreness.

A study revealed that the Mediterranean diet can help lower the risk of inflammation in the body. The Mediterranean Diet is a diet program that many eating fruits, vegetables, wheat, grains, fish, and olive oil.
The following are the four types of food that you can try, especially for those who suffer rhematoid:

1. Fish
People who suffer from rheumatism will generally produce cytokines in excess. Unsaturated fats, especially double omega 3 helps in suppressing Inflammatory Cytokines and other chemicals.
Almost all types of fish contain omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish, salmon, herring, sardines, and teri. The American Heart Association recommends eating it at least twice a week. Fish should be baked and not fried. It is intended to maintain healthy fat content.

If you do not like fish, You can consume other foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as walnuts (walnuts), canola oil, and soy beans. Or check with your doctor about supplements of omega 3 derived from plants.

2. Fruit and Vegetables
Nutritionists often advise people to add color to their diet. Because, a substance gives color to the fruit and vegetables including flavonoids and carotenoids are potentially as antioxidants. Antioxidants are an important component of the diet in the fight against inflammation (inflammation). Vitamin C is an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetables are high in antioxidants including blueberry, blackberry, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, oranges, broccoli, and cantaloupe.

Choose foods that are colorful, with red, Orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple – indirectly would make You consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, thus helping You to get a balanced diet.

3. grain
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who consume more whole grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, and barley decreased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) or a marker for inflammation in the body.

Whole wheat Pasta and bread are the hallmarks of a Mediterranean Diet containing selenium. Some people who suffer rhematoid generally have low levels of selenium levels in their blood.

Another advantage of food grains, not refined carbohydrates like white bread-and-white rice is that the wheat can help You manage your weight.

4. olive oil
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who consume a bit of olive oil are more exposed to risk as compared with those rhematoid mengkonsumsinya in the number of the lot. The study suggests that compounds in olive oil to stop the production of chemicals that cause inflammation.
In addition to being an important component as an anti-inflammatory, olive oil also serves as a replacement for saturated fats and trans fats found in s. foods such as milk, butter, ice cream, fat and red meat. Trans fats are found in many foods that are in the process of cooking baked goods.

Don't save this fruit in the Refrigerator

Fresh fruit is indeed most delicacy during hot weather. However, you should select the type of fruit that will be put into the fridge because there are some fruit even more tasty and bernutrisi if left in room temperature. What are the fruits of it?

1. Watermelon
The fruit is rich in water contain anti-cancer called lycopene. Uniquely, the levels of lycopene in watermelon will increase up to 40 percent if left in room temperature. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, amino acid arginine, which could aid in weight loss, in this fruit will also gain a lot if not kept in the refrigerator. In addition, another advantage of this fruit is able to function as "natural viagra" for containing citrulline.

2. Tomato
Fruit that can be consumed in fresh condition, being a mixture of spices to cook or mixed salad, and blended it rich in the antioxidant Lycopene and vitamins A, C, and k. More red fruit, higher content of likopennya. Therefore, they are stored in room temperature recommended and directly eaten when fruit is ripe.

3. peaches
Save peaches in room temperature without eliminating its stem to prevent spoilage. Peaches or peach has a high fiber, vitamins A and C, as well as niacin and potassium mineral which can increase the good cholesterol. Once the fruit is ripe, immediately store in a refrigerator or consumption. Enjoy peaches with her skin to get more vitamins, fitokemikal, and fiber.

4. Mango
Fruit rich in vitamin C is preferably stored in a fruit basket, not in the fridge, so quickly cooked. Mango fruit also contains enzymes, natural colon so can help overcome digestive disorders.

8 benefits of Soy For Health

We often say that soy can be a substitute for meat for those who belong to a vegetarian. Soy is a storehouse of nutrients and You can get the health benefits of soy-based products such as soy milk, tofu, bean sprouts, beans, and starchy sauce.

Soy is a kind of nuts are found in East Asia. They are classified as oil seeds. Soybeans are considered as a complete protein because of a number of essential amino acids. The benefits of soy found in countries such as China and Japan, where society is less affected by heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate gland.

Following a number of health benefits that you can get from soy:

1. Antioxidants
Soy contains compounds called isoflavones, where beneficial to promote health. It is responsible for repairing cells and prevent cell damage caused by pollution, sunlight and normal body processes.

2. reduce the risk of heart disease
Protein and isoflavones in soy, helping present in reducing LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and decrease the possibility of blood clotting. This in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Research shows, the consumption of milk that contains 25 grams of soy protein for nine weeks resulted in a decline of 5% of the average LDL cholesterol.

3. prevent cancer
Isoflavones act as anticancer agents against cancer cells. Protects the body from cancer hormone like that of the uterus, breast and prostate.

4. reverse the effect of endometriosis
Soybeans helped in delaying the natural bodily action of estrogen, which is responsible for reducing or preventing pain during menstruation (heavy bleeding) and other symptoms in women.

5. Prevent osteoporosis
Soy Protein helps in the absorption of calcium in the bones of better. Isoflavones are present in soy foods served to slow the loss of bone and inhibits bone damage which in turn prevents osteoporosis.

6. addressing the symptoms of menopause
Content of isoflavones in soybeans helped to organize the estrogen. Studies have found that soy isoflavones can reduce the heat loss (hot flushes) in female menopause.

7. Give good effects for diabetes and kidney pain
Protein and soluble fiber, soy set blood glucose levels and renal filtration, thus controlling diabetes and kidney disease.

8. keep your weight
High fiber content in soybean as a tool for management (manage) weight. This is a low-glycemic index (GI) foods which regulates blood sugar and insulin fluctuations. So you can help control hunger. This will really help you in the process of weight loss.

Food in order to protect the skin from the Sun

Sunlight is a threat to the beauty of the skin. That is why we need to take precautions. In addition to slathered sunscreen, it turns out we can also protect your skin from the inside by means of mengasup foods that contain SPF or protector of the UV light.

The food would be a natural sunscreen is especially are the foods that contain some antioxidant components from jenin. The plant produces antioxidants in jariangan them to protect their cells undergo damage due to heat, light, air, humidity and time.

When we consume this antioxidant food source, obstetrician will enter let alamiahnya protection on the cells of the body, including skin cells. Here are foods that are recommended to protect the skin from UVA and UVB:

1. bell pepper red, yellow or orange from paprika comes from natural pigments called carotenoids. This antioxidant is converted into vitamin A in the body that will protect your skin cells to inhibit damage to the fat layer around skin cells.

2. the yellow Color of pumpkin fruit is derived from the content of carotenoids. Menongumsi pumpkin is highly recommended for those who often reside in the sunshine.

3. natural Antioxidant lycopene a tomato red gave red in tomatoes ripe. This is also known for its antioxidant ability protects gland of prostate cancer. As an antioxidant in the plant, lycopene also protects the skin from sunburn.

4. Watermelon just like tomatoes, watermelon also got the red color of the pigment lycopene. Enjoy watermelon fruit in the summer not just refreshing the body but also protects the skin.

5. What does green tea green tea for health-owned? Ranging from protecting the heart, anticancer, decreasing the weight, to protect the skin from exposure to ULTRAVIOLET A and ULTRAVIOLET B. Secret, antioxidant polyphenol component called katekin.

6. Cocoa content of flavonoids in cocoa have been known to protect the heart, to help lower the risk of stroke and blood pressure. Flavonoids also are known to be good for the skin. Choose dark chocolate that contains flavonoidnya higher.

7. give the blue and purple berries are rich purple pigment called antosianin. In addition it feels good, the berries also contain natural and beneficial for SPF to prevent various diseases of the Chronicle.

8. Saffron Saffron or turmeric have striking yellow colour of Curcumin, a bitter taste that is very strong, immune booster, as well as protect the skin of the body.

Vitamin C from food Can Prevent Cataracts

Cataracts are turbidity on eyepiece which can cause blindness. Turbidity is a natural process along with the population ages. Although treatable with surgery but cataracts can be prevented.

Some studies find people who have high levels of antioxidants in the body, including vitamin C, the risk for suffering from cataracts.

However, most research is done on the population in Western countries. Therefore researchers are trying to do some research by engaging respondents from developing countries like India where sufficiency rate of vitamin C of his still low and the prevalence of kataraknya is quite high.

For this study, researchers are evaluating more than 5,600 adults in India who are aged over 60 years. The respondents interviewed regarding diet and lifestyle as well as the taking of blood samples to measure the levels of vitamin C in the body.

In General, nearly 73 per cent of participants in the study suffered from cataracts. But people who have high enough levels of vitamin C, the risk is reduced to 39 percent compared with a vitamin deficiency.

In the research that most respondents lack of vitamin C, even almost 30 per cent have vitamin C concentrations below the lower limit of detection (less than 2 mikromoles per liter). Whereas under 11 mikromoles per liter already belongs to a deficiency of vitamin C.

The results of this research was published in the journal Ophtalmology. But not concluded that the adequacy of vitamin C will prevent cataracts.

Even so, senior researcher Astrid Fletcher, say vitamin C is an antioxidant which can protect the body from free radicals.

"Research in laboratory animals suggests vitamin C had a vital role to protect the lens of the eye from oxidative stress," he said.

The eyes, according to him, are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress. "The light is very important for eyesight but light is also very damaging. Eyepiece ultarviolet, absorbing the radiation from the primary source of oxidative stress, "he explained.

Several studies conducted in developed countries did not show the same results with in India. Fletcher holds halitu because people from developed countries have a good nutritional status so that an extra dose of vitamins from supplements is not enough help.

"Vitamin C dissolves in water so that the benefits are easily removed. Besides taking any vitamin supplements difficult to emulate the effect of vitamins from food, "he said.

Foods that are full of vitamin C include fruits, kiwi, strawberry, broccoli, tomatoes.

Eggs, good or bad for your health?

Eggs are often called superfood food. There is a wide array of nutrients in eggs counts ranging from protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and good fats. Grain of large egg contains only 70 to 80 calories, and insufficient 10 percent daily protein needs, as well as inside are iron, minerals and B vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12).

However, the eggs also often have a bad reputation as food berkolesterol high. Then, do we need to limit the consumption of eggs or altogether avoid them?

The truth is eating an egg is bad for health. The fact that eating eggs may trigger the risk of cardiovascular disease is a common mistake.

According to research published the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2000), where the research was conducted to estimate the level of the relationship between the consumption of eggs and egg cholesterol levels, contributing essential nutrients to the diet and not associated with high cholesterol.

This study shows, those who ate four or more eggs a week actually have lower cholesterol levels than those who do not eat at all or only eating one egg per week.

Some researchers also believe that a substance called ' kolin ', which is found mainly in the egg yolks, mamapu against the harmful effects of cholesterol in egg yolk. Choline can help lower cholesterol levels that are associated with cardiovascular disease. One egg provides 30 percent of the daily needs of everyone, which plays an important role in brain health and reduction of inflammation.

In 2010, a Harvard research involves more than 21,000 physicians are men over a period of 20 years, and which age they on average 54 years old. The study found that men who ate seven or more eggs per week, 11 percent more likely to die of any cause. However it is not related to consumption eggs with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, even among men who consumed more than seven eggs a week.

Proponents of the egg that said, the study does not provide enough evidence to blame the egg. According to them, the study didn't say about the cause of death and no information is pretty clear about what-anything they eat.

For a more secure, You should be careful to not eating too many fried eggs because you're also going to consume the fat from egg oil. The key here is, don't prepare eggs with include butter or oil too much.
If you are really worried about the content of cholesterol in egg, You can eat egg whites only. Egg white is the best option, especially if you're trying to cut back on calories. Egg white is a fantastic source of protein, but without the fat.

One more fear that might arise when we eat the egg is the presence of bacteria that contaminated the egg. As is known, in foreign countries like the United States, one of 20,000 eggs are at risk of contaminated with Salmonella, a bacterium that can cause intestinal misery is extreme.

However, this can easily be avoided if the egg is kept in the refrigerator, thoroughly cooked and eaten after cooked immediately. Salmonella bacteria to proliferate rapidly at room temperature. So, make sure You buy the eggs in the store's pendinginnya tool and place the eggs in the fridge (the coldest part of the refrigerator and not at the door) as soon as you get home.

How should consumption in a day?

Grain of large-sized egg could contain about 213 milligrams of cholesterol, which is contained in the egg yolk. If You want healthier, follow the recommendations suggested that the intake of dietary cholesterol should not exceed 300 mg per day.

American Heart Association stated, a grain of setelur a day still in reasonable limits for health. However, You should not consume more food high berkolesterol such as milk, meat and poultry. If You have a disease like diabetes, heart or recommended to consult a doctor or dietitian about the limitations of consumption

Tempe Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Menopause is a natural process in females characterized by decreased ovarian function which resulted in a decrease in the production of estrogen. Exposure to estrogen it brings a wide range of issues, one being the increased risk of heart disease.

A decrease in estrogen production causes blood fat metabolism disorder so that it will worsen blood lipids profile and oxidation in the body so that vulnerable women suffering from coronary heart disease.

Description of how this is what encourages Diah Mulyawati Utari doing research studies Ph.d in Human Nutrition Courses, graduate school (SPs) Bogor agricultural University (IPB) and brings the benefits of tempe to women menopause.

The title of the dissertation which he arranges, i.e. "the effect of Intervention on Lipid Profile, Tempe Superoxide Dismutase, Malondialdehyde and Oxidized LDL on Women Menopause", was released the IPB Community Relationships through electronic mail to the Compass, Thursday (7/7/2011).

Following his speech he. Easily oxidized lipids in the body resulting in the formation of peroksidasi lipid characterized by increased malondialdehyde (MDA). The high levels of MDA can be used as an indicator of radicals in the body. Excess free radicals is a risk factor degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Lipids in cholesterol-LDL in particular (K-LDL) are known as bad cholesterol is the main target of oxidation.

The oxidation of LDL in the K-factor is one of the main blockage of blood vessels. To prevent the occurrence of the required presence of antioxidants, one of them is an endogenous antioxidant namely superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is the first defense against the process of oxidation in the body.
Does it say, in 10-12 years, research on the benefits of soy protein and isoflavones-increasing and deep, and prove that the consumption of soy is not just improved some aspects of health in menopausal women, but also improve heart health.

We know, tempe is a traditional food is very popular in Indonesia. The fermentation process to make the levels of amino acids, fatty acids, and isoflavones in tempeh is much higher than soy.

He says, some research on the intervention of the tempe has been done in Indonesia, but so far not yet known comprehensively to influence tempe lipid profile, SOD, MDA, and oxidized LDL on women menopause as a group at risk of having coronary heart disease. "I am interested in researching this," he said.

His research was carried out in the city of Bogor with a total sample of 53 female menopause. The ladies of menopause are given 160 grams tempe daily for four weeks.

The amount equivalent to four pieces of tempe size medium. Tempe is steamed for 10 minutes and then mixed with certain herbs so that it becomes ready for food.

As for the criteria of the samples in this study were women's natural menopause, menopausal ranges from 1 to 5 years, one of abnormal lipid profile, there are sick or have a history of degenerative disease, not taking any medications and supplements, do not use estrogen therapy, not a vegetarian, and willing to comply with regulations during research. Sample dijaring by mail integrated active coaching that is in the city of Bogor.
Food analysis suggests that the tempe amino acids are arginine tallest in tempe and the highest is the fatty acids linoleic acid. Tempe is also rich in isoflavones and was relatively tenable if tempe processed by steaming (not Skillets).

Results of statistical tests show that as many as 160 grams of tempe daily for four weeks can improve the lipid profile i.e. lower total cholesterol levels, K-LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. tempe also can increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes and MDA and SOD decreases in LDL oxidation. The results of this research as a means to show that tempe has the ability to lower the risk factor of coronary heart disease.
From this research, Diah suggested that the Government improve the socialization of tempe as a food that has benefits for health. The public are advised to increase the consumption of tempe on a daily basis on an ongoing basis, especially on women menopause as well as other groups which have a high risk of coronary heart disease.

Diah also sent a message, to get the maximum effect to health, should be processed by means of tempe steamed and avoid processing by FRY. Regarding the amount of the consumption, Diah tempe recommend around 150-160 grams per day or the equivalent of 3-4 pieces tempeh size medium.

Diet: Better rice or Bread?

The function of carbohydrates in the body, i.e. as an energy source. To meet the balanced dietary patterns, within a day a person takes about 50-60 per cent of the total carbohydrate daily calorie.

When talking about weight loss program or diet, many people tend to steer clear of rice, bread or other carbohydrate menu. In fact, there is a kind of complex carbohydrates that have index glikemik (IG) which can be absorbed slowly. Thus carbs with low has a benefit IG gives a sense of fullness longer so help Your diet program.

To find out the advantages and disadvantages of bread and rice, the most popular types of carbohydrates, refer to the following description:

For diet program, select the bread from wheat flour which is not refined. This type of bread is more nutritious and healthy, makes your stomach longer full. This type of bread are foods that are low in fat and high in fiber if you don't make it with butter or oil.

There are two kinds of rice are quite familiar, i.e. white rice and red rice. Brown rice is produced when the outermost layer of skin is removed from the rice. This process eliminates the nutritional value of a little more rice.

Rice mill in full and turned the brown rice to white rice destroyed much of the vitamins (vitamin B, B3 B6 and folic acid), minerals, essential fatty acids and all dietary fiber contained in it.

White rice is not only high in carbohydrates and low in fiber, but also more digestible to glucose more rapidly than brown rice. This not only makes weight faster growing, but also quickly raise blood sugar. Red rice, by contrast, have a nutrient-rich and able to keep your blood sugar.

A recent theory of the resistant starch substances change the view of the dietitian about white rice. The theory was mentioned, by changing the method of cooking, the substance of starch in rice could be converted into a substance resistant starch which will be released in the gastrointestinal tract and it works like fiber. Interestingly, it helps to lose weight.

To get the resistant substance of starch during rice cooking white rice boiled rice, chill after. A number of times the process of heating the substance of starch and then cool it mentioned will increase substance patinya. Another way to improve the content of starch in the rice is cooking with microwaves.

Food as a Water Alternative

After making physical activity a draining of sweat, we need a fluid to replace fluids lost. Water is the best, but needs fluids can be filled by other sources.

Nancy Clark, author of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook, says, there are some alternatives to meet the needs of the body to be liquid. As a rule of thumb that the body hydrated is urinating every 3-4 hours.

1. milk fat
According to Clark, menghidrasi milk body better than energy drink. The sodiumnya be optimized. However, the fat content in milk can inhibit the absorption of therefore choose milk or low-fat to replace fluids quickly. Alternatively choose chocolate milk. Recent studies have shown, chocolate milk recover stamina faster after the sport as well as sports drinks because it implies a combination of protein, carbohydrates, sodium, and antioxidants.

2. Soup chicken soup
Recipes are often used the flu sufferers this turned out to be able to replace fluids lost. In a bowl of chicken soup there are 840 milligrams of sodium and 14 grams of carbohydrate. You can put it in the flask so as to keep warm and tasty consumed after exercise in the morning.

3. Watermelon
Water is the first choice to replace the fluids after exercise with high intensity. However, their contents are actually 92 per cent of the water. Meanwhile, competitors are fruit of a watermelon. In addition to water, in one cup of watermelon contained 12 grams of carbs that helps the body absorb liquids and 175 milligrams of potassium will worked with sodium keeps the body hydrated.

4. Salad
If You feel uncomfortable stomach directly consume plenty of water to drink, try the mengasup salad. Lettuce 90 percent is water. Green vegetables are also rich in water. You can mengombinasikannnya with protein sources such as fish.

5. Rice
Rice is an absorbent fluid is good. Rice acted like a vehicle for water when cooking process. Therefore, rice can be an alternative replacement fluid.

6. Soda
Yes, it's not a typo. Clark explained that caffeine, sugar, and water can be a drink after exercise.

7. ice cream
It's worth stopping by to ice-cream outlets after intensive exercises in the gym. Ideally, choose a light version and a portion of the course. After the exercise is to drain the energy, the body will get liquid from frozen ice cream.

Soy May Affect Hormone

Soy isoflavones are contained in being able to protect the body from cancer as well as reducing the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease impairment.

It expressed Yukio Yamori, Director of the International Centre for Prevensi Research of cardiovascular disease are also Primary Professor of Mukogawa women's University in the 4th seminar Tempe Indonesia Forum themed "The Advantages of Soy Food Consumption on Health",

The composition of the macronutrients soybeans, according to him, different compared to other legumes because it contains carbohydrates lower and higher quality proteins.

Isoflavones in soy Phytoestrogens are that can be used as an alternative to the natural hormone therapy for women. Isoflavones are also nutritious for a reproduction of the man.

"There is a clinical and epidemiological data that mention, soy foods may reduce risk of prostate cancer," said Yamori.

Isoflavones can also lower blood pressure and serum total cholesterol in the body. This is proven Made Astawan, Professor of Department of Food Science and Technology of Bogor agricultural University, in his research. Food-based dietary patterns with soybean can increase life expectancy.


"Women's Health Initiative Trial in the United States, the last few years, exposes, isoflavones is controversial with regard to its shape which resembles an estrogen can produce negative effects, which increases the risk of breast cancer and cause the guy looks feminine," said Yamori.

However, the published results of metaanalisis recently, Yamori concluded, isoflavones do not affect testosterone levels, i.e., hormones in men, and only take effect in reproductive hormone levels are in women.
"These results contrast with the results of epidemiologic studies conducted in the United States," he said.
Yamori posited, three clinical research in Japan shows, do not affect the parameters of isoflavones associated with sperm or semen. In addition, there is no evidence of isoflavones affect thyroid function.

Exposure Yamori corroborated by Susianto, Faculty of public health University of Indonesia who is also Chairman of the Vegetarian Society's Regional Coordinator for Indonesia and the International Vegetarian Union Asia Pacific.

"No true isoflavones may reduce men's virility," she said. However, the use of supplements Susianto reminds, that contain isoflavones needs to be controlled because of excessive consumption will be negative anesthetic.
According to the optimal consumption food Yamori, made from soy is two to three times a day with an average protein content of 15 to 20 milligrams and isoflavones 50-80 milligrams.

Fruit and Vegetables: Eaten Raw or cooked? Which is Better?

For some people, raw vegetables tasted more deliciously than cooked. However, others feel more secure to menyantapnya when it is cooked. Apparently, there are a number of vegetables should be eaten when still fresh and others should be boiled first, purely for the sake of the health of the body.

Fresh is good, but there are times when food is cooked more good for the digestive system. According to researchers in Italy, Cook (depending on method) can maintain and boost the value of nutrients from the vegetables.

This is in line with the research published in the British Journal of Nutrition. Research results showed that those who undergo a strict raw food diet has a lycopene levels are below average.
Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives the red color in some fruits and vegetables. In addition, lycopene has anticancer ingredient and cholesterol-lowering poten.

Described by Sharon Natoli, dietisi of the Food and Nutrition Australia, "Tomatoes are cooked first became a source of lycopene is better than that which is eaten raw."

What is it?

"Because of the cooking process will help break down the cell walls of plants, making the nutrients contained therein more easily available to the digestive system," he said.

However, some sources of food are better when it is consumed as fresh. The reason, a number of nutrients can be damaged when exposed to heat.

"Some nutrients such as vitamin C, is very sensitive to heat. Then, the longer the cooking process, perhaps more vulnerable to nutrients is broken, "Sharon, was quoted as saying imbuh Good Health.

With that fact, Sharon seemed to make a suggestion to merge the raw and cooked vegetables so that the value of nutrisinya to be optimal.


Cut into pieces and let sit first before it is cooked. Garlic contains allicin that has the ability to protect the body from the risk of heart disease. Now, Cook will deactivate the enzymes needed to push the allicin.

Unless You like to chew it in raw condition, US researchers recommend chopped it up first and silence about 10 minutes before it is cooked. In this way makes the enzyme work before summer ruin it.


Cook first before eaten. Spinach is rich in calcium include vegetables. However, spinach is also high in oxalate, which could hinder the accessibility of calcium. Fortunately, the process of cooking can reduce the levels of oxalate and on the other hand increase the content of lutein.

A half cup of spinach suclah cooked containing 6.3 mg lutein, while a cup of raw spinach contains only 3.6 mg.


Raw or steamed in fine after briefly. Broccoli, as mentioned in a number of studies, containing sulforafane, chemicals that act as anticancer.

Unfortunately, the process of cooking that is too hot to be seized of such chemicals. The heat will undermine the hydroxylase in broccoli called mirosinase.


Cooked, else can be a bit long, before being eaten. Research shows, the longer the corn is cooked, the more the content of antioksidannya. Of the 22 percent rise after 10 minutes, and heated to more than two times the lipatnya after 50 minutes of cooking.

The cooking process will release specific antioxidants and difficult to see, namely ferulik acid that helps fight cancer. The researchers also found an increase of up to 900 per cent after cooked more than 50 minutes.
In addition to the process of cooking, canned corn also contain antioxidants better than fresh corn.


Eating raw or cooked for a bit. Studies show women who consume, four servings or more cauliflower raw cabbage or cooked briefly a week during the teen, 72 percent less experienced breast cancer compared to only consume one or two servings a week. Kol consumption during adulthood also gives protection securities.
To get a higher effect, select the purple cabbage rather than white cauliflower. Purple cabbage has an antioxidant activity six times higher than the white greenish.


Less likely is over cooked with olive oil. Will Jack up the cooking process of lycopene in tomatoes. Experts in the u.s. that are exposed to the heat for two minutes will multiply the amount of lycopene in tomatoes. While cooked for an hour will increase the levels of lycopene to 164 per cent.

Extra virgin olive oil will give more benefits. Researchers in Melbourne, Australia, found that olive oil significantly increase the amount of lycopene is absorbed during the process of digestion.

One thing of note, shouldn't pedu store tomatoes in the fridge. Study on New Zealand show, tomatoes are kept at a temperature of 25 degrees celsius, after 10 days, contain lycopene two times more than the stored at a temperature of about 7 degrees celsius.


For if it is cooked. According to a study in Arkansas, USA, the carrots are cooked containing 34 percent more antioxidants than there is still raw. In addition, the contents falkarinol

The Healthy Fruit Juice

Already feel healthier as diligent drink fruit juice? Fruit is healthy food to diasup every day, but the fruit juices are usually contains additional sugars which can make the weight the bukan. To that end, we recommend that you make it a habit to research a list of nutrients which are listed in the box.

-Check the table nutrisinya. Whether it's 100 percent juices or juice concentrates. Some products also claimed 100 percent juice but still contain a coloring and flavoring.

-There is not a fiber. Select the juice drinks containing meat pieces still in it. Most products contain no fruit fibers.

-Check the levels of sugar. Fruit juice containing sugar high is not worthy enough consumed more than once a day. Be prudent if you have the juice packaging containing sugar at least.

-Check the content of vitamin c. Drinks containing vitamin C increases the body's immune system.

-Beware of colors. Most color owned beverage bottled juice does not come from the fresh fruit but made of dye substances.

The conclusion is fulfill the needs of the fiber fruit with fresh fruit is consumed directly or make your own juice with no added sugar.

Fatty Foods Can Improve Mood

Everyone certainly always strive to continue to feel excited and happy. But happiness sometimes away, sometimes also came unexpectedly. To always feel good is a challenge for anyone. They always feel pleased and happy is the luckiest in the world.

But now, in order to maintain a happy mood seemed so hard according to researchers from the University of Leuven Belgium. The results of research experts there indicates, mengonsumi fatty foods lets you stay excited. That is, You just need to eat a piece of cake or chocolate to enhance mood (mood) you in instantly.

The fact remains, there is a strong relationship between what happens in the body and the emotional conditions that we experience. The study also proves, taste is also influential to make us eat comfortably. For example, we tend to prefer to eat chocolate than Apple when hit by stress.

In his research, experts involved 12 healthy people and is considered obese. Researchers using the pipeline of food contains a liquid mixture of fatty acids or salts to then put into the body of volunteers. The researchers selected fatty acids because of the many available in various kinds of food.

The researchers then mapped out certain parts of the brain using MRI scans of volunteers. Certain parts of the brain would appear to be active as volunteers feel sad. Volunteers were also asked to hear the music is sad or neutral and also asked to see pictures of sad-themed and neutral. They are asked to speak when they feel full, hungry, and their mood before doing an MRI scan. Volunteers do not know if they were given the fatty acids or salts.

The results showed that the level of distress almost 50 percent lower on the volunteers who receive fatty acids compared to those receiving the salt solution. Fatty acid emulsion can affect the brain found that having activation or repression because of the emotion or mood. It turns out that fat can reduce some of the changes to the nerve.

That needs to be emphasized is the research done on, individual non-obesity. In doing so, does that mean those who are overweight or obese even happier? Or if they are obese and overweight at least have more value related to happiness? Of course this needs to be researched further.

Foods Good For Brain Health

The brain is the most important part of the human body that is responsible for setting the entire human body and mind. Therefore, it is necessary for proper nutrition and quality to keep your brain still works fine.
By making smart food choices, we can maintain and enhance brain function. Here are some smart choices to keep your brain function remain in good condition:

* Blueberry – according to some studies, Blueberry fruit consumption may protect the brain from a proven stress, dementia, and alzheimer's disease. Research also shows that a diet rich in blueberries can significantly improve learning ability and motor skills.

* Avocados-although it is considered a "fruit of fat", apparently contributed to keep avocado bloodstream stay healthy, lowers blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension, which can cause a stroke.

* Fish-fish such as salmon Consumption is a good choice than freshwater fish fish. The reason, salmon had deposits of omega-3 essential fatty acids that are essential to high brain functions.

* Nuts and seeds-Nuts or seeds are a source of vitamin e. Foods is so important to your brain in preventing decline in cognitive function.

* Whole wheat bread, brown rice, and "oatmeal" – these foods also contribute to keeping the brain stay healthy while reducing the risk of heart disease. With the rise of heart health and blood flow increases, the brain must be well developed. The reason, oxygen enters the brain will increase, so does the delivery of nutrients through the bloodstream.

* Green tea – Drinking freshly brewed tea is also good for your brain because the tea has powerful antioxidants, particularly on the content of which may encourage catechines blood flow in order to stay healthy.

* Black-Dark chocolate Brown or black, better known as Brown has a powerful antioxidant properties and contains some natural stimulants that improve focus and concentration. In fact, Brown is also may encourage the endorphin production help improve mood.

10 Nutrients To Increase Libido

What if You were given guidelines on food is not only delicious, but helps improve arousal sex? What if You were warned to steer clear of foods that cause impotence or infertility?

For example, the body that has no content of zinc (zinc) may experience infertility problems. If You are consuming tea or coffee, You should be aware of the fact that caffeine can cause a low sex drive. In addition, stress at work is also shown to contribute to a decrease in the level of energy and interest in sexual intercourse.

There are a number of specific nutrients in food that can increase the libido and the life of your sex fantasies. The following are some of the nutrients in food that can increase your sexual passion and couples:

1. the antioxidant: Antioxidants contained in many fresh fruits and vegetables. It provides protection from cervical cancer by neutralizing free radicals that synthesized the body.

2. Vitamin a: Vitamin found in carrots, butter, egg yolk, liver, and cheese. This nutrient needed for maintaining epithelial tissue (consisting of sheets of cells that cover the surface of the external body) of the uterus and vagina that is always in good health.

3. B vitamins: a pregnant Woman who was trying to run a diet rich in folic acid and vitamin B2. Folic acid can prevent anemia in pregnant women because it contributed to the synthesis of blood cells healthy. While vitamin B2, supports the development of red blood cells and antibodies. It also supports the development of a healthy fetus. Sources of folic acid and vitamin B2 include banana, meat, eggs, liver, spinach, yeast bread, fish, milk, wheat, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese, lettuce, beans, spinach, avocados, broccoli, and orange.

4. Vitamin c: Vitamin C have special benefits for the male reproductive system by increasing the quantity and quality of sperm. In certain conditions is called Agglutination, sperm cannot reach the ovum. Vitamin C prevents the occurrence of such conditions. Blackcurrant, citrus fruit, kiwifruit, strawberries, and Bell Peppers are rich food sources of vitamin c.

5. Vitamin e: Vitamin found in sunflower oil and a few other vegetable oils. Lack of vitamin E can cause problems neuromuscular and anemia. Foods rich in vitamin E of which wheat seeds, avocado, beans, margarine, and nuts.

6. Zinc (zinc): Zinc is essential to enhance libido due to encourage the production of sperm. Oyster is a source of food that is rich in deposits of zinc (zinc). Zinc deficiency is closely related to the low sex drive in women and low sperm count in men. Brown rice, turkeys, red meat without fat, clams, and green leafy vegetables are the food sources that contain zinc.

7. Selenium: Selenium facilitates the production of the ova and sperm. Porridge oats, brown rice, meat, and offal is a source of food that is rich in selenium.

8. Phytoestrogens: this substance is similar to the female hormone estrogen. You can find it in soy beans and soy products like tofu or tempeh. Phytoestrogens are known because it is as a deterrent to cancer.

9. essential fatty acids: sperm Production is supported by the intake of essential fatty acids like linoleic acid. Source of essential fatty acids of beans, sunflowers, and other vegetable oils.

10. Manganese Hormone oestrogen in women: the need for according to manganese. Manganese deficiency can cause infertility in women. You can find a sufficient amount of manganese in foods such as wheat, whole grain cereals, spinach, raisins, peanuts, wheat, pineapple, and tea.

We have to learn about the correlation between food and sexual health. Ginger, garlic, onions, carrots, ginseng is known for their quality in the increased sexual satisfaction. The best way to improve the sexual health is through food intake. If You rely on drugs such as Viagra or other energy pills, consider its effect on changes to your normal diet.

Fibrous Food Can Prohibit Breast Cancer

Research in China recently argued, women are a lot of fiber consumption less likely suffer from breast cancer than those who ate fewer fiber.

This research does not directly prove the fibers as a cancer risk-lowering. However, after all, women who consume a lot of fiber on the whole they are more healthy than eating fibre is not at all.

According to researchers from Soochow University, who go on a diet high in fiber have lower levels of the hormone estrogen. The hormone estrogen is known as one of the risk factors trigger breast tumors.

In his research, the researcher is a combination of 10 previous studies that observe the dietary patterns of women. About 710.000 women in this study observed for seven to 18 years to see the risk they have cancer.
As a result, it is known that as many as 2.4 per cent of women experienced breast cancer. However, among women who placed among the top five (at most eating fiber), the risk of their 11 percent less for the exposed breast cancer.

Some literature is recommended, at least 25 grams for women in need of fiber per day, while men have to cover 38 grams of fiber per day.

"Increase your intake of fibrous food is very important for the sake of public health," says the research team from China to memublikasikan his findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Meanwhile, Dr. Eleni Linus from Stanford University, who was not involved in such research, argued that the effect of eating fiber for lowering the risk of cancer is relatively small.

The same is expressed by Christina Clarke, scientists from the Cancer Prevention Institute of California in Fremont. "Although the relationship between the risk of breast cancer and the fiber is very small, but the fiber is something we know is very unhealthy for everyone," he said.

According to Clarke, a diet high in fiber is very good at controlling cholesterol and weight loss. "However, if it turns out fiber consumption may reduce risk of cancer, it will be an added bonus," said Clarke.

9 Benefits eating fish for Health

Fish, including "seafood", is a type of healthy foods that are low in saturated fat, high in protein, and is an important source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Fish is good for extra diet because rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are needed in order for the body to stay healthy. People who frequently eat fish tend to consume less meat and cheese.
Some healthy ways to incorporate fish in Your diet program in a manner which can be baked, boiled, and steamed. The fish is highly recommended by many experts as a health food with health benefits are complex.
The following are some benefits you can get by eating fish.

1. Cardiovascular Health
Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish has proven its benefits for the heart, arteries, and veins that form the cardiovascular system. The consumption of fish may help prevent heart disease and heart failure by preventing the accumulation of triglycerides, reduce excess levels of triglycerides, improve HDL (good cholesterol), and prevent blood clotting. Study of experts from the Harvard School of Public Health concluded, eat up to two servings of fish a week can reduce the risk of death from heart disease tripled.

2. lower blood pressure
Fish oil is very useful for lowering blood pressure, but their role in the prevention of unclear. However, mengasup a lot of fish oil is not recommended.

3. lose weight
According to a study conducted at the University of Georgia, with DHA fish oil helps stop the conversion of pre-existing fat cells into fat cells thus reducing overall fat buildup. Previous research has also shown, the consumption of fish oil capsule followed by exercising effective lose more fat than sports but without fish oil supplement intake.

4. Press the risk of cancer
Omega 3 in fish have been shown to help prevent the three most common types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon, and prostate. Fish oil supplements can also help patients who suffer from hiperlipidemia.

5. improve brain function
Omega-3 fatty acids in fish can help Your brain development. Intake of omega-3 is right can help improve mental focus on children and adults. A new study shows fish oil supplements, can improve memory in adults. The researchers also discovered the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in fish in enhancing brain development of infants and children.

6. Fight inflammation
Fish, particularly oily fish, has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the fish is effective in reducing inflammation in the blood and tissues. Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, are found in oily fish and have a very positive effect on the inflammatory response is so very helpful in reducing arthritis, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), and acute cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

7. Healthy eyes
The consumption of fish is very good as it has the ability in improving eyesight. Fish can be against macular degeneration (the center of the retina), glaucoma, and dry eye syndrome. A recent study found that people who ate at least two servings of fish per week less likelihood of experiencing related macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness related age) than those who do not eat any fish at all. The researchers say, omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of inflammation and improve blood vessel function.

8. skin care
Fish consumption helps keep the skin in good condition. According to a study published in the Journal of Lipid Research, omega-3 fatty acid EPA found in fish oil may help prevent wrinkles and delay the aging process of skin. In fact, according to several recent studies, fish oil supplements can keep the skin from damage caused by exposure to sunlight.

9. Overcoming Depression
Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil is good for reducing depression and anxiety. Studies have found that people who consume a lot of fish have lower levels of depression.

Chewing Longer Make Slim?

A period of time to chew food turned out to be influential on the scales weight. People who chew the food longer will mengasup the number of calories less than people who eat quickly.

In research published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, known to people who chew the food up to 40 times, mengasup 12 percent fewer calories than those who chew on just 15 times.

Jie Li and his team of Harbin Medical University in China that does this research observes force feeding the obese and 14 men 4 men with normal weight. Li focuses on the effects of chewing on blood sugar levels or certain hormones that regulate appetite.

The results are known the existence of a link between the number of cud with some types of hormone levels. "The more we chew on lower levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates the appetite and also hormones that decrease appetite CCK," said Wang, an assistant researcher Shuran.

He added, these hormones will become a target in the treatment of obesity therapies in the future.
In this research did not found the link between the duration of chewing with insulin or blood sugar levels, both at a group of obesity or weight to normal.

Because this research is only done on a small group of respondents, then the same effect is not necessarily found in the general population.

Tips to Keep Food Fresh

There comes a time we shop for fruit and vegetables in the market or the supermarket is redundant because just love to see it or its price is relatively cheap medium. In fact, some types of fruit and vegetables have the characteristics of fragile and quick spoilage.

If you do not love to waste food, of course it will attempt to keep the fruit and vegetables in order to stay in fresh condition. Not all the fruit or vegetable was found to have the same storage method. They require different storage techniques to be fresh and lasting longer. If You know the tips to keep your food, would You be able to present the best food every day.

This type of unnecessary cooling
There are several types of fruit and vegetables which do not have to be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. These fruits and vegetables should be kept in a dark place at room temperature, stay away from direct sunlight and blistering heat.

* Banana: banana fruit Stored in bowl for about the first three days, then put in the fridge.
* Apple: Taruhlah in a bowl of fruit for the first five days and then just put in the fridge.
* Pomelo (Chakotra): this fruit stand placed out for seven days.
* Plums, berries black, and other types of hard seed-bearing fruit: When still raw, fruits do not have to be placed in the refrigerator, quite put it in a brown paper bag. But, as soon as they mature, the fruits must be refrigerated.
* Onions and potatoes: They do not require cooling, keep in a dark and dry place.
Requiring cooling:
* Sweet beets, carrots, and turnips: Cut the Green top and store in a dry bag.
* Cucumber, cucumber, bell pepper (capsicum) squash: place in a plastic bag or a bag in the refrigerator, they should also always in the dry state.
* This type of leafy vegetables: need special attention. Besihkan leaves and let it dry out. When visible is dry, save it in the plastic bag or a bag in the refrigerator.
* Corn: corn with sabutnya Save to prevent seed corn being dried.
* Mushrooms: save the mushroom haven't washed it in paper bags of plastic.
* Pea: If you don't want to be used immediately, store the peas inside kontong plastic.

It is important to keep all the fruits and vegetables in a separate bag in order to increase their level of freshness. Fruits and vegetables gas ethylene, gas is odorless, that accelerates the ripening of fruit and vegetables more around them and can cause premature failure.

Some of the vegetables categorised ' heavy breathers ', such as spinach. This can damage the vegetables veggies around it if it is kept at the same time.

Other Food Storage Tips
* Meat and poultry: foodstuffs are to be stored in a special place of meat, and must be used within two days. If you need long term storage, bungkuslah meat with aluminum foil and freeze. Bacon and ham should be covered with a cloth dipped in vinegar water.
* Fish: the fish have a scent because of strong, don't save fish with other food, in order to prevent the smells of fish food is exposed to. Fish should be put in the freezer.
* Egg: the fish can be stored in a cardboard egg storage place or put the egg shelf in refrigerator terdat.
* Milk: Milk has a tendency to absorb any taste with ease. Therefore keep the milk from foodstuffs that have a strong scent.
* Cheese: cheese easy due to the dry fast, bungkuslah cheese with wax paper or plastic coverings before saving.
* Spices: to keep the aromas of the herbs in a long time, keep always spices in glass bottles.
* Grain: in order for fresh grain in longer, keep the grain with a few strands of leaves in an airtight container.

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

When women are pregnant, they should be more careful in our daily lives. It is intended to prevent the occurrence of miscarriage. The doctors always advise pregnant women to form habits of healthy living. Regardless of whether they've been exercising and adequate rest, a healthy diet is also very important in improving the health of the body of pregnant women.

Therefore, pregnant women should always maintain a healthy diet and eating food that is beneficial to improving the health of the body and the baby was conceived. Food that is beneficial for the pregnant women mainly include fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products.

1. Vegetable and fruit
The absorption of high fiber can improve the digestive system and prevent constipation during bowel movements. It is necessary to always consume fruits containing vitamin c. vitamin C as known, plays a vital role in boosting the immune system in human body. When pregnant, women should be able to constantly improve immune for the sake of keeping the fetus remains healthy. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consume the cauliflower, broccoli, apples, oranges, and other fruits.

2. the meat is rich in iron and protein
According to the doctor, pregnant women must complete 27 milligrams of iron per day. In addition to meat, other foods, such as animal hearts and soy beans, also contain iron abundance. However, that it should be noted here is the meat and liver should be thoroughly cooked to kill bacteria and viruses.

3. Mineral calcium
Women need calcium to increase bones and prevent osteoporosis. Many pregnant women are bothered by a bone problem. For example, the structure of the bones will be brittle causing fractures (broken bones).

4. folic acid
Foods that contain folic acid is also beneficial to the health of the body of pregnant women. Folic acid can prevent anemia not only for women, but also accelerate the development of the nervous system to the fetus. According to medical studies, folic acid galore contained in vegetarian food and animal. Pregnant women can consume green vegetables and liver of animals to supplement of folic acid.

Foods that have been mentioned above proved to be able to provide many essential nutrients for pregnant women and very helpful in supporting physical activity the mother and fetus. In addition to food, the factor is not less important is they also have to stop bad habits, like smoking, drinking alcohol and to provide protection entirely to the fetus.

10 Foods That Can Make Sleep

You experience a problem difficult to sleep at night? If all the way done, like reading a book or take a shower before going to bed, not enough help? It is possible that there is something wrong with your food. According to experts, eating foods that are just a few moments before taking a break can help You more quickly and even improve the quality of the drowsy sleep.

Try selecting different types of meals and drinks below to make You sleep better. However, keep in mind, avoid eating food two hours before going to bed so that your digestive system has enough time to process the food perfectly.

1. almond Nut
"Almond is a winner," said Jacob Teitelbaum, Medical Director of Fibromyalgia and Fatigue and author of From Fatigued to Fantastic. Almonds contain magnesium that help You sleep and relaxation of muscles. In addition, almond has an added benefit, i.e. provide protein that helps keep your blood sugar levels stable as long as you fall asleep. This beans also make You sleepy with how to turn off the cycle of adrenaline that reminds You to take a break.

2. Green tea
Avoid caffeine in the evening is one of the key easily fall asleep. However, a lot of decaffeinated beverages which help you fast asleep, says Dr. Teitelbaum. Drinking chamomile tea and green tea is a good choice for this issue. Green tea contains theanine can help You sleep easy.

3. miso soup
Miso contain amino acids that can increase the production of melatonin, a natural hormone that may help You sleepy. Research indicates that heat fluids such as soup, tea, and relieve the symptoms of flu, help you easily fall asleep.

4. Banana
Eat a banana before bed can help You, says Saundra Dalton Smith, internist who is also the author Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves. Banana is an excellent source of magnesium and potassium can help your muscles relax. Bananas contain tryptophan is converted into serotonin and melatonin useful calms the brain hormones. Drink banana juice mixed with a cup of milk before going to sleep can make You sleepy.

5. Milk
Yogurt, milk, and cheese contains tryptophan and have nutrients that make You fall asleep. "The effect of calcium is reducing stress and nerves of the brain, said stabilization of Smith. This means eating your favorite yogurt before bed can not only help You sleep, but also help you stop worrying about the strange things.

6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is usually fine for Your breakfast, but try a bowl of porridge oats warm helps You get more rest, said Stephan Dorlandt, clinical nutritionist in Southern California. "Oatmeal is warm, soft, magnesium calm, easy to be prepared, inexpensive, and nutritious. Oatmeal is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and Silicon are known to support sleep. But, do not choose the oatmeal with sweeteners (sugar). Eating too much sugar cause effects that before going to bed is not good. We recommend that you use, such as banana fruits topping.

7. high-protein Snack
If you have trouble sleeping at night, it could be because you do not consume high-protein foods before bed. Or, perhaps a menu that You select is high and food containing simple sugars to carbohydrates, such as cakes and sweets. "Simple carbohydrates can make blood sugar soaring and dropping drastically while you sleep so you can be awake at 2 or 3 in the morning," said Dr. Teitelbaum. Try selecting protein-rich foods, like cheese, boiled eggs, or nuts, so sleep you are more into a deep sleep.

8. Soybeans
Soy contains Phytoestrogens, which are very helpful, especially for women who are already in, controlling menopausal complaints of discomfort at night and it helps You fall asleep. Light snacks, like edamame with low levels of salt, can be an option.

9. cherries
It turns out a glass of juice of the cherries is one effective way to fall asleep faster, said a team of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Rochester. In the study, they found that cherry, tart cherry, particular types of naturally increase supply of melatonin on the body, which helps the person with insomnia.

10. Cereals
We do not have to feel guilty because of the small bowl of cereal before bed, low in sugar, especially cereal grains. Cereal is healthy snacks and can help to fall asleep. "Food is rich in complex carbohydrates provide the tryptophan in the blood stream which enhances the effect of inducing sleep," said Smith. Making a bowl of cereal with dried cherry sprinkles for extra help you fall asleep more quickly.

Benefits Of Fruit Juice

Fresh, tasty and healthy, that's what we can describe about fruit juices and vegetables. Easy and practical, as it is beneficial that juice-juice can be made from fruit and vegetables common market or we encounter in the supermarket.

Curious with benefits-benefits from them, here's the juice-fruit juices and vegetables have a myriad of benefits for your health:

1. Apple Juice: not without reason the old adage that says "a grain of Apple each day keeps the doctor away." Apple is so full of nutrients. The fruit is rich in vitamin B and C, also contain potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus in small quantities. Apple is also rich in pectin — a natural substance that dissolves in water to act as fiber. Pectin help lower LDL kolestrol (kolestrol "evil") by tying kolestrol and fat before the body absorbs them — kolestrol and fat. Apple Juice has a calming effect and helps clean out the digestive system, it is very rewarding to be consumed during diarrhea. Due to not only replace the electrolytes and fluids that are lost, but also amplifies the texture of the fecal matter that is expelled.

2. grape juice: rich in vitamin B and C, grape juice also contains potassium, iodine, iron, copper, calcium in small quantities. Also rich in antioxidants which help in fighting the stress and removing toxins from the body. By drinking grape juice, your energy will be back as soon as possible. In addition, the grape juice has anti-aging properties that help maintain a cleaner skin and organs. Beneficial in conditions such as constipation, stress, heart disease, allergies, and uric acid is also the privilege of drinking grape juice.

3. Pomegranate Juice: rich in antioxidants, Pomegranate juice has proven to be effective against cancers (especially breast cancer and prostate) and lowers LDL kolestrol (kolestrol "evil). Pomegranate juice has 3 times more antioxidants per 100 ml of red wine or the Greens. High antioxidant content not only helps prevent hardening of the arteries (the buildup of plaque in the arteries or atherosclerosis of the medical term), but also in healing from disease. A study published the journal Neurobiology of Disease also show that Pomegranate juice prevent or slow Alzheimer's disease

4. Lemon Juice: Even it's wry, lemon juice, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, also helped boost the immune system. Lemon juice is also beneficial for weight loss and detoxifying the body.

5. Carrot Juice: rich in beta-carotene, orange juice is Keflavík assortment of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B, C, and K; potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, aluminum, sodium, magnesium, iron, and copper and much more. Beta-carotenes are excellent antioxidants and have anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory. Carrot juice helps lower LDL kolestrol (kolestol "evil"), strengthen blood vessels, reducing the strain, and help normalize the process of digestion. Carrot juice is also very beneficial for pregnant women, because it can assist in the development of the fetus.

6. fruit juices Bits: contains vitamin B and C, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Nice to get rid of stress also helps eliminate the weight loss and insomnia. When combined with carrot, beet root juice of sweet, good drink to keep the symptoms of menopause in women.

7. tomato juice: tomato juice is a natural appetite enhancer drinks also help boost the metabolism and improve digestive systems, it also helps reduce weight. Tomato juice is a great source, a glass of tomato juice lycopen per day can help keep your stress levels remain low. However, tomato juice should be avoided for people affected by diseases of the kidney stones.

8. Cranberry juice: cranberry juice contains phytochemicals that may help prevent various diseases such as heart problems and cancer. It is the best medicine for urinary tract infection. However, such as tomato juice, cranberry juice should be avoided for those affected by diseases of the kidney stones because it is rich in oxalate.

9. Kiwi kiwi Juice: the juice of the kayak's vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. So as to assist in the digestive system, people with anorexia, and anemia.

Benefits of Seaweed: Healthy Heart

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body and is the main motor in the blood stream. Therefore, maintaining heart health is extremely important. The effort that can be done is by way of avoid the habit of smoking, drinking alcohol, the pattern of a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

One of the other ways that may potentially help heart health is the consumption of seaweed. Scientists have identified that algae (seaweed) have great potential as a healthy heart food.

The article was published Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry stated, seaweed can compete with dairy products as a source of nutrients that are called "bioactive peptides".

Research that consists of Dr. Mary Hayes, Ciaran Fitzgerald, Eimear Gallagher, and Deniz Tasdemir of Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland did a study of pemanfaatkan seaweed as a source of protein that has benefits such as bioactive peptides.

"Bioactive peptides" which is found in dairy products, not just provide nutrients, but also has the same effect as a cure and prevent certain diseases.

Seaweed is also known as alternative food sources macroalga is rich in nutrients. Communities in East Asia and other culture already for centuries eating seaweed.

Review of 100 research concluded, seaweed containing protein that works like boiactive peptides in dairy products. Bioactive peptides useful for lowering blood pressure and almost the same as ACE inhibitor drugs are popular.

"Many species of marcoalga and the environment in which they are located as well as the ease of making seaweed cultivation has not been researched as a relative bioactive compounds. Need more efforts to harness its potential to be used and marketed consumer in food products, "said researcher in his report.

Diet For Bone Health

Bone loss disease or osteoporosis in the future will be one of serious illness among the population of Asia. 2050 is estimated at 50 percent of the world's cases of osteoporosis will occur in Asia. In addition due to the age of life expectancy of the population more and more high, unhealthy lifestyle also become are your triggers.
Whereas, in fact very easy osteporosis prevented, namely by maintaining bone health since young age. By running the sports activity and good nutrition, calcium, plus exposure to sunlight in the morning is quite in order for vitamin D production in the body, it can strengthen bone.

According to dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, SP. GK, a nutritionist from the Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia, keeping bone health should start from children. "As soon as we enter the age of 30, bone density is reduced because of bone regeneration cycle speed slower than in the penghancurannya process," he said.
Associated with the nutritional needs, explains diasup Fiastuti nutrients should not overdo it and pay attention to the principle of balanced nutrition. "When our diet too much fat, he will be bound to inhibit the absorption of calcium in calcium so that," he explained in the show's 10th anniversary of Cooperation with Perwatusi in Jakarta Anlene some time ago.

Protein should also not redundant because it will cause calcium excess spending. "Avoid all foods containing sodium or salt as it will increase spending on high calcium," he said.

Strong bone should also fit the intake of calcium and vitamin D. In Indonesia, calcium intake was low in the public votes. Up to now, the average consumption of calcium Indonesia society known around 254 mg per day, still far below the international standard recommends the consumption of calcium for adults of 1,000-1,200 mg per day.

"Indeed many Calcium source, but that is easily absorbed is derived from milk because there is laktosanya," imbuh doctor from Siloam MRCCC Clover.

But consumption of calcium alone is not enough, without offset sport as appropriate. The sport is in favor of an appropriate body weight (weight bearing) such as walking or lifting weights.

4 reasons To "Snacking" Beans For Health

Various studies have been done and the results are the same: nut consumption regularly helps prevent cardiovascular disease. However, don't get too many kebablasan because snacking nuts can cause overweight. Quite a handful each day.

A combination of four large-scale studies conducted on 170,000 men and women show, snacking nuts will reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 35 percent.

In addition to the heart, nuts also contain a lot of benefits.

1. the glut
If you want to bring in healthy snacks and fills, You can consider nuts pistachios. In 1 ounce (equivalent of 28.35 grams) pistachios contained 160 calories. The proteinnya is also quite high so that it can fills for longer.

2. Contain healthy fats
Of fat contained in nuts is unsaturated fatty acids, which belongs to the fat is good for health. Nuts are also recommended as a source of omega-3 in addition to the fish.

3. Slimming
If slim is your goal, try snacking nuts for almonds. The report contained in WebMD site mentions, although the number of kalorinya same, almonds have the effect of losing weight.

4. full of antioxidants
Savory and sweet flavor that is the reason favored nuts. In fact, that is not less important than the nut is the antioksidannya which can prevent heart disease and cancer.

Coconut Water Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Coconut water is included in your favourite drinks for breaking the fast. Effect of freshness of coconut water, among other things, due to the coconut water containing natural electrolyte that is very good to replace fluids lost.

WebMD site mentioned, coconut water is composed of water (94 per cent) and low in calories. Coconut milk is also a source of potassium, B vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids as well as having the effect of antioxidants in the body.

Scientific research about the benefits of coconut water is still limited, but one of them mention the patient's blood pressure, high blood pressure who routinely consume the coconut water down to 71 percent.

"Compared with isotonic sculpting drinks or energy drink, coconut water is rich in potassium than sodium. As known, sodium should be limited because it can cause hypertension, "says Dr. Helmin Agustina Silalahi, medical advisor, in the event of Kalbe Conference Hydro Culinary Ramadan Jakarta, Saturday (5/8/2011).
Potassium and potassium are known to be beneficial to heart health. Therefore, experts say, drink coconut juice unsweetened pure could help lower the risk of heart disease.

"World Food Organization (FAO) have already stated, the coconut water as a natural energy drink. Fructose content and glukosanya can also make energetic body back after a day of fasting, without worrying about blood sugar goes up, "said Helmin.

Is Eating Yogurt Can slimming?

In order not to waste your efforts in losing weight, add yogurt in the daily menu. Not just good for the digestion but the drink is also has a slimming effect.

In the research on the United States of 120.877 women and men, found what factors make the body into fat and diet what can lose weight.

A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health were found, increased consumption of potatoes, soft drinks containing sugars, processed meat, red meat, trans fat, sweet desserts, as well as the grain milled will increase weight.

Meanwhile the increase consumption of yogurt, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and whole serelia related to weight loss.

The researchers suspect food rich in fiber will help people who are dieting to hold its food intake.
"The consumption of flour and rice milled may not glut so your body will continue to send out signals of hunger," said Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, one of the researchers.

Yogurt, even though it does not contain fiber however have the effect of weight loss in comparison with other dairy products. Experts say the perks of yogurt bacteria caused due to the good so keep your body's health.
Another factor that makes people who consume yogurt in this research may be due to slim down because they have a lifestyle change that is not measurable in the research.

Keep in mind also that the effect of setting different diet also on each person, depending on the habit of exercise, sleep patterns, the duration of watching television, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Shrinking Stomach Tips For Men

During this time, the word diet seems to only belong to the eve. With the increasing trend of obesity and the risk of diseases that accompany it, the guy should also pay attention to diet so much healthier. Pot belly needs to dikempiskan permanently.

One of the lead of Bill Clinton's policies during the President of the United States is the campaign against obesity trend since kids. Maybe that's left of Clinton's personal experiences during childhood.

In his book My Life, Clinton admitted during a minor she was fat. In the book anyway, Clinton claims to have ever tried the Atkins diet. The daily New York Times, Hillary Clinton's husband says weigh weight every day.
The habit of considering every day and try various sorts of this diet in everyday life is more often done by women. However, do not hurry up to see a guy furrow your brow began to dismay with weight gain.
"Men are now more concerned about health. The man was aware, being overweight increases the risk of disease of diabetes and heart disease, "said Betsy Klein, an expert on a diet of Miami.

In addition to the risk of infection, awareness of appearance also began to increase among men. "Men of all ages now affected cultures that are very concerned to the body," says Samantha Heller, dietitian and exercise physiologist. Sign in to the area of women-controlled diet is certainly not easy for men. They begin to engage with change the language used.

"Diet and trim is not suitable for men because it is more feminine. Goals they want to achieve is to be strong and masculine. The diet also made them anxious because it makes them lose muscle mass, "said Heller.
The largest contributor of calories

"Men are interested in doing a diet that promises they perform better when exercising or increasing their energy. It was captured by the supplement industry to produce a supplement and strengthen the muscle mass and a little fat. The thing is, it does not give protein shakes yields nothing but give a lot of protein. Sport is a muscle Builder. There is no way other than that, "he said.

This type of diet that favored men proved to be popular Atkins diet. They are comfortable doing this diet for the Atkins diet recommends eating more meat. Eating steaks are certainly feels more masculine than a fruit salad or vegetable as many selected female.

Unfortunately, up to now the Atkins diet is still a debate among nutritionists. A lot of eating protein Diet is considered to endanger the health of the future.

Christopher Gardner, researchers from Stanford University, suggest, to avoid gaining weight, we recommend that you avoid refined carbohydrates. White bread, white rice, soda, and fast food (fast food) a versatile mealy and fried is the source of the increase in weight and calorie contributor most during the last 20 years.
Everyday we should eat a healthy source of carbohydrates and increase the weight, for example vegetable, fruit, oatmeal, red rice, wheat, and wheat paste. However, for men who are busy and have to travel out of town, keep eating healthy dishes certainly feels hard.

"I think it is easy to find a solution. Bring four or five Pack of instant oatmeal. Given enough hot water. These foods can be eaten in the morning, "said Klein.

He also advised the men to take the exercise when the out of town. Get up and down stairs, diligent. Of course it could also make use of sports facilities in the hotel.

Men should also avoid breakfast. "We are in a State of starvation while sleeping. If we wait for lunch time to eat, the body would think to store food that remains as a backup. Be it food is converted into fat. If in a hurry, provide five minutes to eat cereals or bread wheat fibrous high with peanut butter. This small action will make many changes, "he said.

One more thing that's important to remember the man, ate the excessive portion is the cause of weight gain. In order to reduce the weight decreases, so half portion. This is a change in diet can be done in a fast guy.

Tips For Healthier Frying

FRY is a great way to cook the most is not recommended by most nutritionists as it adds to the fat content in foods. So, what then do we have to stop enjoying the crisp, crunchy fried, and savory?

It was impossible for most of us, let alone that his tongue still native Indonesia. Let me not too feeling guilty, let us follow the various tricks. So we are able to bite the kemripik the fried without fat, piled up bad guys and excess calories in the body.

The fried products are not completely "evil" for our body because it still contains nutrients. In fact, the fried foods nutrition breaks more minimal than food are boiled, baked, steamed, and other processing methods. Protein content on the Pan is also relatively intact for almost the same as mentahnya material.

"However, oil or grease the Pan levels higher than the mentahnya material," says Dr. IR. Andarwulan, MR. Nuri, a food technology and nutrition of Bogor agricultural University. That's why we recommended not often eat the fried so that blood cholesterol levels are not increased.

He suggested that we choose the bercita cooking oil flavor savory, stable or not easy rancid, and nutritional value, for example containing unsaturated fatty acids. However, be reminded that fatty will break down at high temperatures and can transform into trans fat, which could lead to rising levels of blood cholesterol.

Almost any type of oil contain saturated fats and unsaturated, only simply applied differently. According to data from the POS Pilot Plant Corporation, Canada, coconut oil contain saturated fatty acids at about 91 per cent, whereas monounsaturated fatty acids 9 percent; Palm oil fat jenuhnya 51 peren; fatty jenuhnya 49 percent; peanut oil (19: 81), soybean oil (3: 85), olive oil (3: 85); corn oil (1.87), sunflower oil (12: 88), canola oil (13: 93).

-High Point
Oils with high smoke point-(at high temperatures not readily smoky), shows a good quality oil. The point is the temperature of the oil smoke when heated before out smoke, and change colors; that is an indication of the shift in the composition of the oil. If it will pull out the smell of smoky oil unsightly and makes it taste makanah so bad. The temperature of the FRY to be precise. If oil is not hot, the food is dipped, will cause the food absorbs too much oil.

If it gets too hot, the food will quickly burnt while the Interior has not yet matured. After frying, the food should-drained (could be with special paper) to reduce the levels of the essential oils.

There are several ways that include shallow frying, stir-frying or frying with a little oil suitable for meat or foodstuffs that slashed thin. Spring deep frying oil with the use of the material that is half the height of deep fried; fit-for thicker pieces, such as fritters. Frying with lots of oil (for deep frying) suitable for chicken, fish croquette, and others, while the sautéing (stir frying) uses very little oil.

This tip from Dr. Nuri, so that the cooking oil paintings:
* Frying washed and dried well.
* Use a stainless steel frying pan, avoid copper materials.
* Drain, drain, relieve es clot on foodstuffs that will be fried.
* Heat oil slowly and stir food setefah hot oil.
* Note the temperature frying pan, so that food does not absorb oil tertalu a lot.
* Clean the sediment or crust (leftovers) on a frying pan.
* Add oil and oil: comparison of adatah 6: 1.
* After frying oil cooled and filtered.
* Save oil datam sealed container, in a dark and cool place.
* If you want to use, add fresh oil
* If formed foam means broken oil, contain toxic and should be discarded.

Replace New Oil
Tofu, tempeh, sweet potato fries, chicken and fish fry jugs are sold at five feet, an average of unhealthy because of oil gorengnya already colored blackish, bubbly, daan still continued to be used. So the Pan we make at home stay healthy, do not hesitate to change the oil.

When cooking oil should be replaced with a new one?
* If you have changed the color to be tanned, even blackish.
* A Smells, extremely strong, much less to rancid.
* Sending plumes of smoke excessively on normal temperature.
* Appear excessive frothing around foods that are fried.

Food To Keep The Mood

Imagine after you've had a bad day and on the way home was forced to travel over traffic jams for hours. It will be menyenangkannya when opening the door of a House that is being processed aroma cuisine welcomes you. Once the mood was improved.

Food did have the ability to affect your mood. But it depends on how You use it. There are certain foods that will add to the positive in your mind and there are also some mkanan would produce the opposite effect!
Before collecting a list of foods that could restore the mood, check out the respective roles of neurotransmitters that are present in these foods:

Serotonin is derived from triptopan (amino acid) and was released after we eat sugar and starch. The effects of serotonin is improving mood, soothe and relieve depression. Increased levels of serotonin will satisfy the desire for snacking and control your appetite.

-Epinephrine and Dopamine
The neurotransmitter is derived from the amino acid tyrosine protein intake and was released after such as meat, poultry, dairy products, and nuts. This is the function of neurotranasmiter increase alertness and mental focus.

Food Tips for improving mood:

-Eating healthy carbs
Carbohydrates are not always bad. Try to pay attention to people who do a strict diet and avoid all types of carbohydrates. They would appear to be bored, depressed, and restless. Contributing factor is the lack of triptopan.

Triptopan is an amino acid that is released after a carbohydrate nonesensial diasup. It will enter the brain and releasing serotonin, which has a calming effect. But that does not mean You should eat carbohydrates without Monitor Your intake. Konsumsilah complex carbohydrates instead of sweets and cakes.
Sources of omega-3 fatty acids

Some recent research has shown that multiple unsaturated fatty acid omega-3s found in fish, flax seed, and walnuts which can help prevent depression. The other effect is to protect the heart.

-Avoid tight diet
Diet causes depression and mood swings. The nature of Crabby more often found in people who limit their intake of carbohydrates. Therefore the best way to improve Your mood is to have the amount of carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids. The process of gradual weight loss will also bring stability and prevent mood swings.

-Start with a healthy breakfast
Some studies have shown that people who are healthy breakfast have better mood, memory and have more energy throughout the day. So eat a healthy breakfast consisting of grain carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats are essential to keep cheerful throughout the day.

-Foods that are rich in selenium Selenium also acts as a mood-enhancing.
A study by Texas Tech University has suggested that selenium supplementation help the treatment of depression. In the same study, selenium intake is associated with the sedikt a bad mood.

Selenium-rich foods include nuts and seeds, meat without fat, seafood, whole grains, and low-fat dairy in your diet.

-Low caffeine
Caffeine does help keep You in the evening but obvious change in the mood you are in the next day. Individuals sensitive to caffeine can get depressed.

Nutrients In Foods Of Various Colors

Fruit and vegetable peelings belong to the Group of the intake should be consumed on a daily basis. Nutrition experts recommend that we consume at least five food groups every day, which is colored red, white, blue/purple, yellow, and green.

The resulting color of plants shows the existence of certain phytochemicals to increase in certain diseases prevention. Therefore recognize the benefits behind the different vegetables and fruit as color difference (good).

The Color Red
The red-colored fruits and vegetables rich in phytonutrients lycopene and antosianin, a natural color pigment that gives color to these foodstuffs. Lycopene, as found in tomatoes, guava or melon has the benefits of anti aging and protects cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Antosianin, found in strawberries, red wine, red apples or cheri, full of antioxidants that protect the body from the effects of free radicals. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease and keep your blood pressure remains controlled. Recent studies show antosianin in fruit cheri containing bitter taste that is useful to sufferers of gout or rheumatic inflammation.

Blue or Purple
Fruit and vegetables which are blue or purple has fitokemikal such as antosianin which is found in blueberries, purple black wine and raisins, as well as phenolik are found in eggplant, prunes or raisins, contain powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants in dark-colored fruits and vegetables has been shown to slow the aging process, especially the risk of memory loss.

Green color
Green color in vegetables and fruits caused due to the pigment chlorophyll. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids found in yellow peas, spinach and other dark green vegetables. Both of these compounds is required to maintain health and reduce risk of eye cataracts.

Besides the Green is also high in fiber and a source of potassium, magnesium and folate are highly recommended for those who are planning a pregnancy.

Yellow or orange
Protect the health of the eye and the power function with the ingaat routine of eating fruit and vegetables are yellow or orange. Get other benefits as well as the protection of the skin from the Sun.

Citrus family are a source of vitamin C, antioxidant that increases the immune system, protect from cardiovascular disease and rebuild collagen in the skin. Vitamin C also helps the absorption of iron. Yellow fruit is also rich in potassium that is useful to prevent stroke and coronary heart disease.

White color
Garlic, bananas, mushrooms, potatoes and cauliflower, are included in the Group vegetables and fruit are white we already know. White colour in foodstuffs is derived from antozantin, a type of flavonoid that has antioxidant properties.

The main advantage of this is the Group of the white lower prostate cancer risk, enhance immune activity and also rich in potassium.

Myths and facts of coconut water

Coconut water, let alone young, often made into drinks releases the thirst. It was very refreshing, especially when drunk when breaking the fast. It's just that, not a few lay people that drinking coconut water with other purposes.

There is a mention about coconut water can lose weight, improve the functioning of the kidneys, to treat allergies. Is This True?

Coconut milk, coconut water, in particular young already has long been known as a healthy drink. Its sheltered by hard shell and a thick sabut coconut, the coconut milk to make the drink sterile. Free from contamination.

According to Prof. Dr. Made Astawan, MS, in General, coconut water containing 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, 0.74 percent fat, as well as 0.46 percent minerals. Types of sugar contained are glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

Some types of coconuts there that has sugar levels of 3 per cent on coconut water, and 5.1 per cent in young coconut water. "That's what led the young coconut water feels more sweet coconut water compared to the old," said Made.

High Potassium
In coconut milk also contains amino acids and vitamins. Young coconut water also contain phytochemicals consist of tanin components. Tanin is antibacterial that will inhibit bacterial growth.

The minerals were potassium contains 730 mg per 100 grams of young coconut water, which is quite a lot of magnesium, sodium and chloride, versus the number very few. The composition of the drink with potassium (potassium) ratio of a high sodium and very profitable for health.

Gizinya liquid substance composition approaching, in accordance with isotonic sculpting liquid body. Beverage can replace mineral isotonic sculpting expected body of missing through sweat during sporting activities or other activities.

"It's just that, a person who actively exercising need to be careful about the use of coconut water as electrolyte drinks," imbuh Emilia Achmadi, MSc, health coach of one accord.

They need to know what kind of sport is done and the length. When sports are aerobics, say for 3 hours non-stop, the body will lose a lot of sodium. The consumption of coconut water could not offset the need for the body of sodium. None other because sodium in coconut water just slightly. If this happens, the body could be short of sodium. As a result, the muscle cannot be contacted. Heart rate and organ functions will be uninterrupted. The risk of their worst? You can swoon.

However, if the sports that do not belong to a weight, such as brisk walking for 1 hour or beryoga for example, drink coconut water is not a problem. The deal, keep water consumption-minerals you normally would.

Things like this should be straightened out and be noticed by a layman in order to make an erroneous figure it out. Like a number of other things wrong about coconut water which was straightened out by Emilia.

1. Help lose weight
This is according to Emilia is often disalahmengertikan by most people. Drinking coconut water in excess can actually cause diarrhea. Indeed it looks-after which weight is reduced. However, this is not a proper and healthy way to get an ideal body weight. In contrast, the coconut water can be a stimulant for those who are difficult to defecate can help launch a channel indigestion.

2. More bernutrisi rather than full cream milk
This assumption is not true. Compared with coconut milk, milk (both the full cream or not) are rich in protein, fats, carbohydrates and sugar. In addition, milk also contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. While coconut milk only contains some minerals only.

3 Helping the immune system
There is no scientific literature that proves that coconut water make the immune system becomes better and also helps the body fight some viruses cause disease. In the body's immune system, described by Emilia, is a sister who is very complex.

The only way to boost the immune system are the nutrients obtained from a variety of food. "And coconut water does not provide it," added Emilia. That could give the complete nutritional support is through food intake with balanced nutrition.

4. Help prevent the occurrence of kidney stones
The first thing that can be done to prevent the formation of kidney stones is enough water or liquid consumption. The liquid can be obtained from coconut milk, mineral water, and more. There is a point that water, either. coconut water or mineral water, can prevent the occurrence of the formation of kidney stones. It's just that, coconut water cannot cure a kidney stone.

5 Restore a sense of giddy due to drunk
Consume alcoholic beverages drunk in excess must be immediately neutralized. How to drink water, mineral water and coconut milk. In fact, to relieve the dizziness of inebriation, we recommend that you drink water containing sugar. Purpose is to make sugar could quickly get into the Centre of stacking